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The curly haired merprince swam towards the throne room, trying to encourage himself. He was about to face his parents and ask them about humans.

That's right.


Those creatures that walk on land on two legs. The creatures that are -according to the books in the library- extremely dangerous. The creatures that can kill like Medusa, by simply looking at you.

But really, no matter how much Ashton hated to admit it, Calum's words had made him doubt if those words in the books were true. And Ashton never doubted the books.

"My dear son, what has brought you here?" The King spoke, raising his eyebrows lightly as he watched the curly haired merprince enter the room.

Ashton swallowed harshly, approaching his parents -who were conveniently sat on their thrones- but not going too close. "I have come with some questions, father."

"Have you now? Alright, ask away." The King nodded with his words, making the Queen smile and lean more on her husband.

"Um, I- I was in the library, the day before, and I came across these creatures called... 'humans'." Ashton spoke, almost flinching as he saw his father's face turn blank, before slightly suspicious. "And, well, I wondered if those books speak the truth about them. If these humans are really that dangerous?"

"Those landwalkers," the King almost spat out, "are definitely dangerous. And I sure pray to Poseidon that you have not come near them in any way. They kill our people easily and I wish our people save. Why do you ask about this, my son?"

Ashton gulped, trying to keep a straight face as he shrugged. "Just, Calum and I were reading and we wondered."

The King huffed, shaking his head. "You are still 'hanging around' that merman? I already told you, Ashton, he is a good for nothing merman. Have you not seen the mismatch? And not to mention, he is a bad influence on you. Oceans, he is even making you ask about humans, is he not?"

Ashton was about to protest, feeling anger boil up that his own father would question Calum, the merman he had been friends with since diapers, when his father spoke again. "Either way, Ashton, that was it. Those landwalkers are dangerous and I do not want you associated with them in any way. And if that mismatch-friend of you is busy with it, I better hope you are the smarter one and let this all go."

Ashton had his lips pressed together tightly as he basically ignored his father's words. Something he barely did. The royalty family was everything to him, but with the way his father was criticising his best friend -someone who was just like them, family- well, he didn't like it.

"You are dismissed."

Ashton turned around and swam away, his eyes burning with rage as he let the door slam shut behind him. His beautiful hazel tail moved him to his room, where he opened the door and closed it harshly as well, leaning his forehead on it. Angry tears burned at his eyes, but he kept them in. A prince shouldn't have to cry.

"Hey Ash."

The merprince jumped, wiping at his eyes just in case, before turning around to face his best friend with the biggest smile he could muster. "Hello Cal."

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