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jimin only stared as he was introduced to the boy.

"and jungkook, meet jimin." a smile had formed on taehyung's face as he glanced between the two. jimin didn't know why he was smiling because just a moment ago he was pretty upset.

jungkook was taller than jimin obviously because he had to look up at the other. he towered over jimin by only a few inches though. his hair was a dark brown almost ebony color and his eyes were large and a deep brown. and as he stared at jimin, they seemed to sparkle with interest.

jimin smiled at him and gave him a small wave to hopefully get rid of all the awkwardness.

"you must be the kid taehyung was yelling at over the phone." jimin said with a grin.

"oh you heard that?" jungkook smiled shyly and sighed. "sorry." jimin only laughed at his behavior. he was obviously in the wrong when it came to the talk he had with taehyung over the phone.

"well you're over here now," jimin smiled at him.

"yeah! speaking of that! get to work jungkookie!" taehyung exclaimed and smacked the younger's back at a considerably hard strength. jungkook only continued to grin. he raised his hands in surrender and stepped away from taehyung.

"i get it hyung!" he spoke. taehyung laughed again and left them, going back upstairs to yoongi presumably.

jimin leaned backwards and sat on the arm of the couch. he watched as jungkook left the house through the door, yet left it wide open as he walked away.

in confusion, jimin was about to go and close it, thinking maybe he accidentally forgot to shut it behind him, but jungkook appeared in the doorway a few moments later carrying a few large boxes into the house. that was when jimin's slow mind remembered what jungkook was here for. he was supposed to help taehyung with his things. jimin blushed in embarrassment, realizing he was in jungkooks way and most likely about to make his task a lot more inconvenient.

"sorry.." jimin mumbled and shuffled out of the way as fast as he could. jungkook only flashed him a smile as he passed by him. maybe the boxes were pretty heavy so he didn't say anything.

jimin went back to the couch and sat there so he would stay out of the way permanently. he watched jungkook go in and out of the house carrying boxes up and down the stairs, before heading back out to get more. the whole time jimin was curious as to why he wasn't exhausted at this point, because he knew that if he was the one doing it he would be super tired by now.

soon enough after bringing in the last couple boxes, jungkook went upstairs to put it away. after that, he came back downstairs and let out a long sigh as he shut the door. jimin could tell he was definitely low on energy now.

"i wonder why taehyung couldn't do that himself. it wasn't too hard," jungkook chuckled. jimin smiled back at him, trying to be friendly. jungkook went to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. he gulped half of it down and then set it on the countertop with a raspy breath. jimin just continued to watch him. eventually after standing for a bit, jungkook came over to the couch where jimin was sitting and stopped by the other end.

"mind if I sit here?" he asked him. jimin shook his head and invited him to sit. "thanks," and jungkook plopped down onto the comfortable furniture, sighing contently. and it wasn't long before they were enveloped in a conversation.

"how long have you known taehyung?" jimin asked and looked at the boy. jungkook looked up, a little surprised but that was soon followed with a shrug.

"three or four years." jungkook replied, "what about you?"

"same." jimin said with a smile. "i wonder why we never met at all. you seem like a nice guy." jungkook threw his head back with a laugh.

"if you say so jimin." the air was filled with an awkward silence for a moment.

"i'm just wondering, but how was it when he told you about yoongi hyung?" jimin wondered. he turned his head to the other and actually began getting curious. jungkook started laughing once again.

"it was surprising. who knew he would start dating the mysterious rapper who would be asleep all the time on the bus?" jungkook exclaimed. jimin nodded in agreement. it seemed they could speculate a little more about each other than they thought.

"i agree with that."

the two talked about various things for the time being, until taehyung came down the stairs and approached them with an irritated expression on his face. the same look he had when he was talking with his aunt and uncle.

"hey jimin, i've gotta tell you something." taehyung walked over and set his hands on the back of the couch, staring worriedly down at the space between the two currently on the couch.

"what is it?" jimin asked him, wondering what was the matter.

"well... i'm guessing you heard me talking with my aunt and uncle at least a little right?" taehyung sighed.

"yeah but i'm confused about it though. you looked pretty upset about it too."

"well the thing is..." he glanced nervously at jimin and rubbed a hand across his face with a groan. "they don't want you to stay here, and there isn't any room..." jimin's eyes widened when he suddenly realized what taehyung was trying to say.

"i can't stay." he finished for him, ending it bluntly and staring up at taehyung with no emotion.

"yeah..." he said. "it's not that i don't want you to, it's just i can't because they don't want–"

"i get it taehyung," jimin cut him off and dryly smiled up at him. "i'll just see if i can get my parents to let me come over for awhile." taehyung scratched the back of his head clearly ashamed of himself.

"i really am sorry." taehyung said. "i hope you aren't mad or anything."

"like i said it's fine." jimin nodded with that dry smile still plastered on his face. taehyung spared him one last glance before reluctantly heading back upstairs with a frown on his face.

it was silent in the living room for a while afterwards. jungkook had no idea what to say and jimin didn't really want to talk now. so jungkook just stared at jimin, not saying a word to him. after a few minutes of unbearable silence he decided to say something.

"listen, i don't know what's going on, but you seem like a nice person." jungkook finally spoke up, making jimin turn his head. "but if you want, you can stay at my house."

jimin looked up from his interest in his hands and at jungkook. he smirked playfully at him and tilted his head to the side.

"you're not playing around are you?"

"nope. but only as long as you tell me what's going on." jungkook added.

"well..." jimin was hesitant when he heard that he would have to explain what was happening to him, being that he almost barely knew the guy. but he didn't seem to care too much, jungkook seemed like a nice guy and he needed a place to stay. "fine."

"then it's settled." jungkook smiled, "you'll be staying with me."

//drama is approaching

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