ending clarifications

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there were some things i incorporated into this story that may or may not have been confusing to you, and regardless of that this is just me explaining those things

+ yes, hoseok was never gay
    > he was using jimin for his money
    > but almost fell in love with jimin
    > he caught himself, got angry
    > got fed up
    > hence drama

+ hoseok did the same thing to taehyung in the past
    > left tae pissed but over time he did not care anymore, hence the fear he felt

+ jungkook did indeed flatline
    > came back bc of un-identified man
    > the man said 'my son'
    > the man was yes, jungkooks father
    > from a previous chap jungkook had said his father was never in the picture, for he had died before he was born

+ the epilogue was originally supposed to be something much more romantic
     > but yanno i made something a little more realistic to the characters and plotline

that was shorter than expected. but i really wanted to explain some of these things and i hope it helped???

this may have been unnecessary to make, so whoops.

but i also just wanted to sAY HI

and that im debating on a sequel (but i will most likely not make one)

i hope you enjoyed perfect man as much as i personally do, and that i appreciate all the votes and comments you guys leave. as does every author on wp.

and this officially brings perfect man to a close!

so until next time! ^^

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