Chapter 5

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"Are you sure we should go in?" Clara questioned. We were staring straight at a small light blue house with a wooden deck and stairs to get up to the front door. I didn't really want to go in, but we had just driven for fourteen hours and I was older than Clara by five minutes, so I should be the responsible one and make us actually go in.

I nodded, "Yeah, I guess so." I opened the car door and slammed it shut after walking out. Clara did the same. I had parked in a tiny parking lot which was probably a few yards away from the house. I wasn't even positive this was the right place, but it did look like the picture my dad had shown us.

"Rock, Paper, Scissors on who knocks," Clara said.

"Okay, but can we bet on it?" I suggested.

"Sure, five bucks okay?" said Clara as we continued walking down the sand. I was very glad to be wearing sneakers right now, or else I would be getting sand all over my feet. That was one of my pet peeves if I was about to walk into someone's house that I had only met once and had no memory of.

"Got anything better than just that?"

"Five bucks, and...who ever loses has to jump in the water first whenever we do go swimming," Clara decided.

"Deal," I said, shaking hands with Clara as we made our way up the wooden stairs and onto the deck, "Two out of three?" Clara nodded.

"Rock, Paper, Scissors, shoot," we said. Tie, we both did scissors. Rock, Paper, Scissors, shoot. Tie, we both did scissors again. Rock, Paper, Scissors, shoot. Clara beat me with scissors to paper. Rock, Paper, Scissors, shoot. I beat Clara with paper to rock. Rock, Paper, Scissors, shoot. Clara beat me with rock to scissors making her win.

I sighed, handing her five bucks from my jeans pocket.

"Why do I always lose?"

Clara grinned, motioning for me to knock on the door we were now next to, "Because I always win." I knocked on the door slowly, and footsteps were heard. I gulped, glimpsing at Clara who was standing beside me. A man with dark blue eyes, short grey hair and a beard answered it. He was wearing a purple tee shirt, red shorts, and a pair of tennis shoes.

"May I help you?" he asked staring from Clara to me and back again. I glanced over at Clara again who didn't say anything, leaving me to deal with all the talking for now. Ugh! That wasn't part of the deal! I could tell she was smiling underneath that serious face.

"Um...I'm Cassie, and this is my twin sister Clara...and...and our parents sent us here."

"Who are your parents?" he questioned with a very puzzled face. Before I could answer a voice could be heard that was calm and heartwarming even though I had no idea who it was.

"Wallace, are you teasing our granddaughters?" A tall woman stood beside the man now. She had hair the color of silver tied back away from her face, dark brown eyes, freckles, and strong hands. She was wearing a navy blue short-sleeve dress, a yellow apron, and a pair of brown shoes.

"Maybe," said the man laughing slightly. I understood the joke now. So that's where we all got our sense of humor from.

She gave him a helpless stare, "Well I'm your Nana." Clara and I nodded quietly.

"And I'm your Grandpa," said Grandpa, still laughing slightly at his words from earlier. We nodded again.

"Did you girls bring any stuff?" questioned Nana.

"Um...yeah, we could go get it," I answered turning around. Clara followed me.

"I'll help," said Grandpa not too far behind us.

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