Chapter 3: It's Harley Now

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It's been a half a year since Jerome was sent to Arkham Asylum. As the months passed by, I finally decided to live a normal life. The life I've always wanted, not the life everyone else wanted for me.
I'm now a full time criminal. I'm what they call the "criminally insane" haha! Can you believe it!? I have a label now! I'll give you a little backstory.
After he was sent to the asylum, and me and Jason broke up, I began to get bullied. Soon I figured out it was because of Jason. So, I snapped... And set him on fire and pushed him off the 3rd floor of our school.
After that, I obviously had to flee. But I felt this connection with Gotham, so I didn't leave. I know. Stupid right? But I soon learned hiding was REALLY easy. I found a couple of guys, just like me, who were blood thirsty and in hiding. I started a gang with them—the gang of Harley's. We've been robbing banks, blowing up police cars, and killing assholes ever since. Sounds fun right? I'm makin' money without all the bullshit. Fun! Wrong. I got caught. One of my guys turned me in after I killed this poor old woman. It's not like the bitch wasn't gonna die soon so???
But that doesn't matter. I have to bust out some how. I'll get my revenge. That's for sure.

[Jerome's POV]

I'm sitting in the recreation room. Waiting. When suddenly... gas! A crazy man had fallen dead with knockout gas puffing out of his mouth.
"Hahaha. Perfect timing." I covered my nose with the inside of my elbow and waited.

Moments later all of the doors holding the patients open. There she was. Tabitha Galavan. Her and Theo Galavan had been planning to break us out for a long while now. Don't know why they just now decided to do it. But, whatever.
The rest of the patients were left behind. The Galavan's just took me, Barbara, who was some chick who killed her parents, Richard sionis, who was a business man who made people kill eachother to work for him, Robert greenwood, who killed some women and ate them, and two other guys I don't care about. After we all broke out, there was one place I most certainly had to go.

"Gotham City High School" the sign read.
I walked into the school and went to the first classroom that was unlocked. I walked in, shot the teacher, and looked towards the front of the class. Everyone was screaming for their lives. Hah! How cute.
"Listen up class! I'm looking for Harleen Quinzel. Anyone know where she is?"
The room fell silent with a few whimpers.
"... WELL?! DO YA'?"
The whimpering grew louder as I yelled. One student stood up.

"Y-you haven't heard?"

I walked to him and put my face close to his.
"Heard what?"

"She—she set some guy uh... Jason Dunbar I think.. On fire and threw him off the 3rd floor. She went into hiding but she's still killing and robbing banks... Uhm..."

"Hahahahahahaha... AAHAHAHAH!! Atta' girl!!"

"But she... Uhm.... She was caught.. She got ratted out by a member of her gang-- And she got shot, and was sent to the hospital... But she should be going to Arkham t-today..."

"HM... Interesting. Thank you!" I said with a smile, tapping his head with the gun and walking out.

I hopped in the truck full of all the people saved from Arkham.
"Alright.. There's one more person I want to join us. I know just where to go.

We arrive shortly at the Gotham City Police Department. We took out a few policemen before hand, and put on their uniforms to go "undercover".
I walk in with my guys.
"Ey I need to speak to the Commissioner, it's importnt' "
I walk in to Sarah Essen's office and close the door. She looks at me, but in a quick moment, she recognises me, and I laugh.
Shooting goes on outside the office. "Well, what are you going to do now that all your little officers are dead? Hm? AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA~!!"

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