Chapter 6: Harley's father

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I woke up on a soft couch. The warmth from it made me so comfortable, so I snuggled it. Then I remembered "what the hell" and woke up.
I shot up to see like 3 men with suits on, one standing out to me. He was completely bald with no eyebrows. Kinda cute. The bald man smiled as he looked at me and walked out the room. I sat up, siting politely on the couch. Then realised it.
"Why tha hell am I wearing a dress.... HOW the hell did this dress get on me?!"
One of the men looked at me.
"Just be patient Ms. Quinzel."

I pouted in frustration.
An old man walked in with the bald man. I stood up.
"I'm guessing you're the reason I'm here?"

"Harleen... Oh how you've grown..."

"First off, it's Harley now, and second... I'd like ta know who put me in this dress. Also... Who the hell are you old man? How do you know my name? Why are you saying 'how I've grown' as if you know me?" I shouted out all at once, leaving me out of breath."

"Oh..." The old man chuckled.
"All of your questions will be answered, Harleen. For now, just take a seat. Would you like some gin? Scotch? Anything to please your appetite?"


"Yes yes. You youth and your name changes."

"Yeah... Yeah.. Vodka sounds great right about now. Give it to me straight."

"Are... You sure?"

"Tha hell did I just say old man? Did I stuttuh'?"

"Right. Bring Harleen here a vodka, straight."

"H-A-R-L-E-Y! Tha hell is so hard 'bout that name?!"

"Tell me Harleen. How have you been these last few years?"

"Old man... Yer pullin on a very thin nerve I don't think you wanna mess with."

"I heard you've been getting in a lot of trouble, hm?"

"Uh... Well yeah... I killed a few guys here and there. Robbed a few banks. What's it to ya'?"

The old man leaned in close, examining me. He smiled. A moment later, a women walks in with a long white dress on and a cross necklace. She almost looks just like my mother when she was younger. Short dirty blonde hair... Absolutely beautiful. She handed me my vodka.

"Harleen--.. Harley... My name is Carmine Falcone. Me and your mother used to know each other when we were younger. In our youth, we fell in love. But as we grew older, we fell apart. She ended up getting pregnant, and I left her alone. It was a mistake on my part, but it was the right thing to do."

I looked at the old man, then looked around the room.
"Wealthy, old... Never there... If I put tha pieces togetha'.. Hah. You're my old man, arentcha'."

Falcone sat back and laughed, folding his hands over his stomach.

I drank the rest of the vodka and slammed the glass down on the table.

"What. The. Fuck. "

The old man frowned.

"I spent MOST of MY life suffering from being TOO poor. My mother became a FUCKING drunk and beat me almost every day. I wondered some nights 'what if my fatha' never left us. Would life be easier? HMM..' Yeah. Thanks fer nothin'. If you'll excuse me, I think I'll be on my fucking way. I got some boys back at home waitin' on me. Thanks for making me wait 18 years for this... DAD."

I began to walk out, but the bald man stopped me.
"Let her go" Falcone told him, and I made my way out.

I bought some pizza and headed home.
"Holy pepperoni, what time is it?"
I walked into the mansion.
Jerome came around the corner with a curious look. "Pizza!" He yelled.
He took the pizza from my hands and began walking to the dining room.
"Ah, good to see you're still with us." Theo said smiling.
"Ohh pizza smells good!" Greenwood said, drooling over the table.

"Uh yeah.. Sorry about being late... I kinda got into a little... Situation."

Jerome looked at me.

"Uh.. Where'd you get the dress?" He chuckled.

I looked down and touched my dress.

"Oh, you know... thought I'd treat myself. A lady's gotta have at least one fancy dress in her closet."

Jerome laughed and bit into the pizza.

Later that night after I took a shower, I was heading to the bedroom when Jerome stopped me.
"Hey.. What happened? Why were you REALLY wearing that dress? And don't lie to me." He lowered his voice.

I looked around the hallway to make sure no one was listening.
"Well... I was kinda kidnapped by Carmine Falcone, who, turns out is my father. We had a little chat and I stormed off. "

"Hm. But that still doesn't explain why you were wearing that dress."

I laughed. "Yeah... I don't know why I was wearing it either."
Jerome then kissed me and pulled me into the bedroom where we made love for hours.

The next morning, Jerome and I were sent out to scout the area, and find out more about what the cops know and what they're planning.
As we were walking down an alley way, Jerome picked up a newspaper with a photo of the dead men with Maniax spelled on it and laughed. He then looked at me.
"You hungry?"

"Uh yeah sure. We could grab a burger from that stand right around the corner."

Jerome was punched and knocked out cold.
I looked over to see a tall fat man in a suit and a familiar girl. It was her. The woman with my father yesterday, who looked like my mother.

Another man from behind pointed a gun at me. I grabbed his arm and elbowed it, breaking his arm and grabbed the gun from his hand and shot the other man who was coming up. I hit the man on his knees with the handle of the gun and climbed up on a balcony on the side of the building. I then jumped off and landed on one of the other men, legs wrapped around his neck and snapped it. Another man ran up and went for a punch, but I did a split, avoiding it, and punching him in the nuts nocking him down. I stood up and kicked his face in.
"I guess you were right mom. Gymnastics really did come in handy after all these years." I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my stomach and fell to my knees, grasping my stomach. The man and woman began to run away, but I grabbed the gun from the ground and shot him in the leg. I walked towards him and let the woman continue to run away.
I pointed the gun at his head.
"Who are you working for and why did you try to kill me. "

He groaned. "Fish... Fish Mooney..."

"Fish mooney." I repeated. I put the gun in the back of my pants and woke Jerome up and ran back to the mansion.
As we walked into the doors Jerome stopped me.
"What just happened? Why did they try to kill us?"

"I'm not sure. But I recognised that woman. She was with my father. She seen me. Then the next day she comes with different men who are working for Fish Mooney and they try to kill m-"

"Fish Mooney?"


"Ooooh, she's a trouble maker. A bad, bad lady. Bad news. Stay away from her."

"What, Is Jerome Valeska actually scared?!" I chuckled.

"PFT! Like I'm scared of a little tuna."

"Yeah yeah." I kissed his cheek. "You're my big, strong fearless clown." I patted his cheek and walked to the bedroom.

"I wonder what she's done to make Jerome think she of all people is bad news."

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