Chapter 7: Killing the witch

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It had been a couple of weeks. Jerome and I decided to take a little break from all the insanity. We went to the beach. We swam and had a cute romantic time. I got a little tanned, but he just burned to a crisp. Poor thing.
We sat next to each other looking out as the sun set. I felt so happy. So safe in his arms. I looked up at him with a smile as my mouth pursed open to speak "Hey. So I know your birthday is coming up next month, on June the 7th. Is there anything in particular that you want?"
Jerome looked at me and kissed my forehead.
"I want to rule Gotham, no... the world!... But I want to rule it with you. I want to spread our insanity across like a virus." he replied.
I laughed. "So do I."
but suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and fell over on Jerome's lap, clenching my stomach. 
"Are you okay Harley?"

"Yeah.. I'm fine. Probably just something I ate earlier."

"We should go home now."


We packed our things, headed home, and fell asleep as soon as we hit the bed.

I woke up, expecting to be cuddling Jerome, but to my surprise, he was gone.
I put on an old Joy Division T-shirt and ripped blue jean shorts and walked out.

"Hey Theo, did you seen Jerome anywhere this morning?"

"Hm. I did see him leaving, but he didn't tell me where to. And I haven't seen him since."

I began to get a little worried.
"Okay thank you."

I grabbed my gun and walked out. I text him multiple times but got no reply. As I was walking down the sidewalk, I was suddenly knocked out cold.

"Errreeghg" I groaned as I woke up. I couldn't see anything. I tried moving but my arms were tied down.
"Hello?! Where the hell am I?"

"Hello, Harley. "
I heard a women's voice say.
The bag was snatched off my head. Across from me sat a black women with short black hair and red tips. Next to her sat Jerome, bleeding from his nose, looking up to me.
I struggled as soon as I seen him. I wanted to jump out the chair and kill everyone and save him.

"I'm guessing you're Fish Mooney, am I wrong?"

The Woman chuckled.
"No, you aren't."

"Whatever it is you want with me, leave Jerome out of it. He doesn't need to be involved." I stated with a serious tone.

The woman stood up and started my way.
"But I know you love him."
She leaned in closer to my ear.
"And I know you'll do anything to save him, won't you?"
She whispered.

I seen the girl who was with my father.

"Let me guess. That girl right there is your mole. You're using her to get information from your boss, Falcone, arentcha'?"

Fish chuckled.
"You're pretty smart for a girl who dropped outta high school."

"Had no choice. What is it you want with me?"

"Oh honey. I don't want anything from you. What I want, is Falcone's job. And I know since you're his daughter, and he trusts and cares for you, that you can help me. And I also know that your father was never there for you and that you despise the old man, just like me. So I know you'll kill him for me."

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