Chapter 5: Give Me An O!

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The next morning all of the Maniax had a plan set, so we got dressed, and headed out.
All of us were wearing matching clothes; cream colored straight jackets from the asylum, white pants, and black Doc Martens. It was cute, the whole squad was matching. (#When you and the whole squad on point)

We all headed to the shipyard and stole one of the red refuelling trucks fully loaded with gasoline, and drove to our next destination. Three of us sat in the front of the truck. The bald man who was driving, Jerome who was in the middle, and me, who sat in the window seat. The others clung onto the foot-steps on the side of the truck. Jerome sat back with his feet up on the dashboard and put his hands up to his eyes as if they were binoculars.
"I spy with my little eye something that is...."
The bus full of cheerleaders appears in the rear view mirror.


As the bus passes by, Aaron, the driver, turns on the truck and follows. We take a different road and end up getting in front of the bus and stopped it. I got out first, grabbing a shot gun on the way, then Aaron, and then Jerome after him, carrying a handgun.
Jerome skipped like a child towards the bus and slides right in front of the door and bangs on it with his gun. All the cheerleaders on the bus scream, and I laugh. Once we got onto the bus, I shot the driver, and Aaron and Jerome handcuffed all the cheerleaders to their seats. Jerome stood in front and began to talk.
"I want you all to know that this was a very difficult decision for us."
He continued walking down the isle.
"It was between you and a senior citizen bingo party. In the end we decided to skew a little younger. Youth! Sorry."

Jerome got back to the front of the bus and turned around quickly, with his gun pointing out at all of the cheerleaders.
"Gimme an o!"
The girls all squealed.
Jerome shot at the back of the bus as a warning.
"I said gimme an o."

"O!" All the cheerleaders moaned.
"Gimme an N!"
"Gimme another O!"
Aaron brought the hose from the truck to Jerome and he grabbed it.
"What does that spell?!"
""Ohhhhh noooooo"" Jerome and the cheerleaders said at once. Jerome began to laugh as he sprayed the gasoline all over the bus and on the cheerleaders. He hopped off the bus and threw the hose down and grabbed a lighter from his back pocket.
"Ready? Okay!"
He tries to light it, but of course, there was no fluid in it.
"So embarrassing" Jerome said, throwing the lighter down and getting back on the bus.
"Anyone got a light?"
The scrawny man laughed as he pulled another lighter out and handed it to Jerome. "I do! Haha!"

Then suddenly, out of FUCKING nowhere, the cops show up.

"Stand your ground boys. They can't shoot at the bus." Jerome says pointing his gun at the cops.
Shots were fired and one cop died.
"Aaron, Harley! Get the truck started. We're gonna blow this barbecue!" Jerome yelled with excitement.
Jerome continued to shoot at the cops until he ran out of bullets. He dropped the gun in annoyance and raised his hand in the air.
"Light em' up!"
Jerome continued to laugh as he sprayed gasoline all over the bus. I could see the scrawny man trying to light the lighter, but of course, just a villains luck, there was also no fluid. We ended up leaving without the scrawny man. One of the detectives grabbed him and when he dropped the lighter, the fire began. I laughed, but my condolences went out to the poor man because he was now caught by the police. The Galavans wouldn't let him live to talk. A sniper was shot from the roof and killed him. The detective, however, had to RUIN our plan by getting on the bus and driving it away from the fire. Just our luck.

We got back to the Galavans mansion and all of us, Me, Jerome, Greenwood, Aaron, Barbara, Theo, and Theo's sister all met in the dining room.
Theo began to talk.
"Well. Our plan was ruined. But that's okay! We have plenty more. But I need something drastic. Something that will put Gotham in fear. Something that'll make the mayor himself piss his pants."
I stood up, hands on the table and looked up to Theo.
"How about we throw a couple men off a high roof... And to let them know it was us, we can.... Uhm... Oh! We can spray paint our name to them. Imagine; six bodies dead in the middle of the street with the words 'MANIAX' spelled on them!"
Jerome laughed and looked at Theo.
"Sounds great!"

"Sounds great." Theo replied.

I threw on black ripped jeans and a baggy Pink Floyd shirt for our little plan. Jerome kept his clothes on from the other thing, and Aaron went shirtless... For some reason.
We all spread out through the streets. We found a couple cops and kidnapped them. We ended up getting 7 instead of six but... I guess he could just be a spare. We went on top of the highest building we could find and put straight jackets on the cops and wrapped around a white cloth over the men's faces. We spray painted in red M-A-N-I-A-X onto six of the men and dropped them perfectly side by side.
"Hey Jerome, what should we do with the spare?" I asked.

Jerome was sitting on the ledge of the building.
"Hm.... OH!"
He raised his head quickly as if he had a brilliant idea. He twisted around and walked towards the spare with the spray paint. He spray painted an exclamation point into him.
"Aaron would you be so kind."
Jerome laughed as Aaron threw the last man off the roof. We all looked down so see 'M-A-N-I-A-X-!' Spelled out on the street.
"That'll make a headline. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!" Jerome continued laughing.
We all laughed and headed back to our truck and went back home.

I jumped on the couch and turned on the TV to 'Channel 8 News' and immediately there it was. Our hard work.
"Earlier this evening, 7 men were thrown off of a paper company's building, with the word 'Maniax' spelled on them.."
"Bla Bla bla" Jerome interrupted. He leaned over the back of the couch and kissed me.
"That idea was perfect."

"Why thank you!"

"Great minds think alike!" Theo said walking in.

"Indeed they do." I replied, standing up.
"I think I'm gonna go for a walk. I might get some pizza on my way back, if you guys want."

"That would be great, Harley. Thank you." Theo replied.

"Alright. I'll be back in an hour or so."

I was walking down an alley way, when I was stopped by a black cat. I shrugged my shoulders and squatted to pet it. I was remembering when Jerome and I first met. I was terrified, I truly was, but his insanity got to me. To me, in my eyes, he looked so beautiful as he set off his sinister laugh and smile. I just wanted to grab his face and kiss him. I knew from that moment, that I was truly insane. Any normal girl would've cried and told the cops about what happened and wished it would never happen again. Any normal girl would be terrified of Jerome and see him as a monster. I, however, see beauty in him. No, he's not a good person. He kills innocence for fun! But that's just what makes him sexy to me. I really do love jer-.... What."
Something was shoved in my face as I was being held against my will.

Everything went black.

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