New place

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"Take me away from here Emma " you say to her "Alright " you both walk where your dad and all the gang was , when you step in the camp you can see your dad running to you " hey love what's wrong " you look in the eyes of your dad and Emma said " She broke up with Pan " your dad look at you with a sad look " darling I'm so sorry " he hug you and kiss the top of your head "Well we have to go now  we have your daughter we can come back to storybook " Regina said , she take a magic bean and let fall on the floor a portal open to your feet " Are you ready (Y/N) "  You look to tour dad and Smile at him " Yes dad " goodbye Peter Pan I always love you and you jump...

Few minute past

You appear in a strange place with big castle and little house it's weird they have some strange lantern and what those strange trees "Welcome to Storybook darling " say your dad  "come with us " say your dad , you, Emma and Henry walk in a strange big house you enter in the place and go upstairs and Emma open the door and you can see a pretty little house
"Welcome home darling "

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