Meeting The Creepypastas

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Y/n: your name
H/l: hair length
H/c: hair color
E/c: eye color
S/c: Skin color



I saw.....a faceless man with a black suit and tie. He had slender arms and legs. He looked a bit...scary but not as scary as my parents. He had 4 black tentacles sticking out of his back and one was holding a black haired boy heh he almost looked like...........DAMIEN!!!! "I'm going to say this once and once it will only be let go of my brother you faceless monster I don't care who you are or what you are just let GO OF MY BROTHER...." I didn't know I could do that but oh well even if it means risking my life I want my brother safe and sound.

Toby POV

What is that person?!?! A DEMON?!?! No one has talked to slender like that...I looked at slender he looked a bit pissed so I grabbed my hatchets out just in case she attacks him. (No none of the boys know if you're a girl or not only slender knows)

Masky POV

What the hell is that creature?!?! That creature dares talk to slender like that!!! I got my knife out the tree and prepared for any battle even if that creature beat us up I'm going for round 2. I looked at Slender he looks pissed off.

Hoddie POV

What does that person think he or she is talking to slender like that!!! I grab my gun getting ready if she or he is going to do ANYTHING to the boss. He looked legitimately pissed off.

Slender POV

WHO THE HELL DOES SHE THINK SHES TALKING TO!?!?! SHE DOESN'T EVEN GIVE AN SH*T!?!?! I SWEAR IF SHE LAYS ONE HAND ON ME SHE WILL WISH SHE HADN'T.... whoa calm down slender it's just that brat is trying to protect her little brother heh that's what I would do to my brother....hmm she has a strange power in her maybe she can become one of the proxies. ..If she changes her attitude...

Back to Y/n POV

The faceless man looked pissed. Well, I don't care he had that coming. He spoke up even though he doesn't have a mouth "Look I don't want to cause any trouble with you I will give your brother if you change that attitude." I calm down and my voice changes back to normal..."Fine just please give me brother" The faceless man gave me my brother I wrapped the blanket around him since he was shivering and gave him his teddy bear and tucked it in for him. The faceless man looked at me again no eyes but still did it "Do you live anywhere" "yea I live here in the woods alone with that tent you see over there but only I don't sleep I protect the boy who is in my arms since he is the only one I have left.....but enough of that what is your name who are the killers behind me still trying a way to attack me even though I already hurt them enough..." "Well my name is Slenderman but you can call me Slender and they will tell you they're named later AND HOPEFULLY WILL STOP TRYING A WAY TO ATTACK YOU" I giggled and smiled and turned back to the boys then looked back at slender. And Slender still spoke "If you like you can sleep at my house we have a room for you and your brother can sleep in so get your things ready" "R-really your l-letting me stay with y-you even after all I said about y-you" I looked down and tear dropped but I was still holding on to Damien.

Slender POV

I thought for a moment and when I was going to say something a tear dropped and she looked down. She must've had a terrible past..." of course you are welcome to stay as long as you need to" I got caught off guard as she put Damien down and hugged me.... I was shocked also was the proxies they looked MORE SHOCKED THEN ME XD. I smiled at her and hugged her back. Then she whispered, "Thank you Slendy..." D-did s-she just call me Slendy! ?!?! I didn't mind at all I was just still shocked. Then she pulled away from the hug, put "Damien" to a nearby tree and gathered all her stuff and the tent I told her she doesn't need that but she told me she might need it for emergencies. Hmmm, clever girl. She also looks pretty ...WAIT WHAT AM I THINKING TO GET YOURSELF TOGETHER SLENDY WHY DID I JUST CALL MYSELF SLENDY OK I NEED TO CALM DOWN....


Is it me or do I see Slender...blushing!?!?! Oh well probably thinking about other stuff probably. I packed all my stuff grabbed Damien and shook my head when I was ready. Then I felt like time passed before my eyes. ..and now I'm in a living room in a humongous mansion. There were people there not a lot but not too little either..."EVERYONE, PLEASE MEET OUR NEW CREEPYPASTAS SO LINE UP SO YOU CAN MEET THEM NOW!!!" I woke up Damien took off his blanket but he still held his teddy bear, but as soon as he saw slender and the rest of the Creepypastas he ran behind me and shaking with fear "W-where a-are we S-sissy...I'm s-scared..." "Shh don't worry everyone here is not going hurt you. I promise" He smiled but still trembling in fear. I hugged my little brother and let him go to the people looking at me.

First was Toby, "You already know me since you-" I cut him off and said "Look I'm sorry I was just defending myself since I thought you were going to kill me since you were" He ignored me and he waved at Damien he just smiled and waved back. "Hi, my name is Toby what is you name little one" "My name is Damien" Toby nodded and left. Next was, Masky "You already know me and blah blah whatever now who is your brother?" "His name is Damien" "Good to know well hi little-" "Don't even finish that sentence you will regret it. Trust me..." " Fine Hello Damien the names Masky" And he left, Next was Hoodie "Hi Damien nice to meet you I'm Hoodie..." He glared at me "I'm soooorrryyy" "mmm-hmm" And he left..? WOW, RUDE MUCH. There were 5 more people left. Then there was this dude who had a white hoodie and jacket and he revealed himself with his dark black hair and a smile so wide I don't even think he can stop smiling. He said his name was Jeff the Killer but just call him Jeff. I nodded and he also greeted Damien and he did the same. Next was LINK!?!?! Woah am I hallucinating or is it just me...but he had black eyes but blood running down his eyes and had his regular green shirt on and a hat. "Why hello~" "Ummmmm....Hi"

"My names BEN...BEN drowned~" He waved at Damien but all Damien did is hissed at him. Ben backed up and left. Then there was a dog and a little girl who looked at the age no older than 8. "Hi, my names Sally and this is Smile Dog, Jeff's dog and how old is your brother" "Well he's 7 and it's nice to meet you Sally and Smile dog" Smile dog barked at me then licked Damien's face than mine. I laughed. Then the last one was wearing a blue mask and black ooze was coming out of it he had a black jacket and hoodie. "Can I eat your kidney" "Excuse me" Slender smacks him upside the head "sorry my name is Eyeless Jack but you can call me EJ for short also hello little-......Hello Damien" I sighed in relief Then slender introduced to himself to Damien. Damien nodded and whispered "S-sissy can you take off your hoodie and cloak please I know people want to see who you really are" "W-WHAT...why would I do that..." Should I take off my cloak and hoodie.... yes you should so I-....everyone can see who you are WTF....SLENDER!!! STOP READING MY MIND!! S-sorry hehe hehe Cya "F-FINE I'LL DO IT".. I took off my cloak and my hoodie. My eyes were normal e/c.....good my h/l h/c showed off and my face was revealed with my s/c skin.....

Why hello everyone thank you for reading I will do another chapter probably tomorrow or the next fay after that. Well I hope you like this chapter and if you didn't please tell me why and how I can change it for the next chapter down in the comments so see ya my readers bye~

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