New powers?

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Y/n: your name
F/c: favorite color
2/f/c: Second favorite color
H/c: hair color

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Hey everyone I'll just put music so it won't be as boring as reading this chapter and tell me what song I should put next :P


I wake up to the sound of yelling from down stairs. First I checked on Sally and Damien both was sleeping peacefully. Good, they don't need the sound yelling right now. I went to the bathroom took a shower and got into my black and white shirt with black pants and my f/c cloak and 2/f/c hoodie. I really didn't need anything that happened yesterday.... I went downstairs to see BEN and EJ arguing over a stupid control hmmm maybe my little powers can handle those two....since...I have powers that I wish I never had....OK forget it just go talk to them I said in my mind. "Guys.." they kept arguing "GUYS" still arguing "IM NEVER GOING TO TAKE OFF MY CLOAK EVER AGAIN" they stopped ARE YOU KIDDING!?!?!?! "Finally got your fricken attention...STOP FREAKIN YELLING SALLY AND DAMIEN ARE ASLEEP" I whispered yell them.  "Whatever" BEN told me I just rolled my eyes. "Sorry, we'll keep it down"Thank you Ej for actually listening to least someone here actually notices I'm here..." I mumbled the last part. "Hmm what was that y/n?" "N-NOTHING. I didn't say Nothing..." I looked down then headed to my room. "This just keeps getting better and better every day....ugh it's like seeing my parents again....hmmm I wonder" I mumbled to myself. I was going to my room until I bumped into Jeff which meant my hoodie fell down, but I didn't notice it. "S-sorry Jeff for bumping into you like that I was just deep in thought.." He lightly blushes then it became a little darker..." umm Jeff you ok, you sick? Is he in a coma or what?

Jeff POV

She looks beautiful without her hood on...heh....I bet she can top my gorgeous face either. WAIT WHAT AM I THINKING SHE BARELY CAME HERE wait was she saying something OH GOD IM BLUSHING STOP IT JEFF!!! "Hmm oh.... yeah .....uh..... sorry" I got myself up and I put My hand to help her up she took it and she got up..."Ummm Jeff please tell me my hoodie is on" She said I shook my head "Freaking idiot...oh thanks but I need to go" "Wait where are you going?" I asked concerned "Why do you care besides I'll be fine see ya~" S-she d-disappeared...I have to get Slender.


I was walking around the woods hungry but I could wait..I heard someone behind me I acted fast twisted this person's arm push whoever this was on the ground with my knife to their throat "Who are you and what do you want from me..?" I asked and I realized I was doing that to JEFF!?!?!?! "SHEESH I WAS JUST WORRIED YOU WERE DEAD AND THIS IS HOW I GET REWARDED GREAT WHAT ELSE CAN GO-" I cut him off "OM MY I AM SOOOOOO SORRY well you had that coming no one scares me like that or else this happens also its my reflexes that I have I have many unknown things about me that you will soon find out" I said while I get up and grab Jeffs hand so he can get up and he accepted it and got up. "Wait you mean when you disappeared you were planning on doing that?!" "Well no not really this is the first time I was able to do that and able to control it well like I have done that before but anyway why would I be dead hmm? Were you worried about me?" I said in a babyish voice. He blushed "N-NO!!  Slender just told me to get you so I knew that you weren't in your room and so I looked here in the woods sheesh.." I laughed good thing my hoodie didn't fall down. "Well let's get going before Slender gets mad wait no let's try this out grab my hand" He blushed even more "I-IM NOT DOING THAT! !!" "What is wrong with you boys well suit yourself enjoy walking there ALONE" "F-FINE but this is because I don't want to walk there Hmph" I grabbed his hands and I teleported us to the kitchen still holding hands everyone  (that means everyone who lives in the Slender mansion) looked at us HOLY CRAP I took my hand away from his before anyone starts something. "Hey everyone," I said while I walked towards Damien since there was a seat next to him and Jeff sat next to Ej. Everyone just kept staring at me like I was a ghost "SHEESH CAN YOU GUYS STOP STARING AT ME LIKE YOU'VE SEEN A GHOST!!! It's getting really annoying.."I said while I put my hoodie more close to my face so they won't see my eyes change.....Slender put the plates of food down to everyone. I just looked at my food and started eating it slowly

Normal: y/n

Bold: slender

Hey, y/n what's wrong you seem a bit depressed.

I'm fine...

Tell me the truth

Why should I? You wouldn't care anyway...

I would care.

Well it's just that I'm getting some kind of powers ever since I've been here....but I don't know why and well it gets me a bit stressed out

Oh.. well what kind of powers He drank his water slowly even though he had no mouth

Well I can teleport, My eyes can change color and I'm thinking that I might be half demon (I wish I never said that)

(Slender spit out his water) WHAT?!?!?!


Eat then meet me in my office now

Fine, I'll go with you right now since I really don't want to eat.

Fine let's go

WHATS UP How is everyone today? I'm SOOOOO sorry I did not put another chapter on yesterday it's just I have to do a stupid essay but I'll do another chapter later today I hoped you like  it and if you didn't please tell me why so I can improve it in the next chapter but for now bye~

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