What am I?

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Y/n: your name
F/c: favorite color
2/f/c: Second favorite color
H/l: hair length
H/c: hair color
F/w: favorite weapon
Which song do you guys recommend? Tell me in the comments below please


I was falling I was so close to ending muself and not worry about anything until.......I felt someone hugging me amd my shirt became wet it was Damien he was crying.....I had to stop I couldn't let him die not today......not today.... I grabbed him and I felt like a new aura is controlling me and a new pair of wings was now on me so before we were about to die I flew upward and went up the cliff grabbing my little brother like he was the most precious thing there is in the world and he was...he was all I have left. I was still flying and my brother hugged me. I went down where Masky, Toby, Hoodie, Slender and EJ was just staring at me because of my new wings. I landed on the ground safely put Damien down and I flapped my wings since I felt like some water was on it and I stopped I looked at everyone my eyes changed red to....my normal e/c. I felt like I was being lifted up in the air and my clothes changed into a f/c blouse 2/f/c pants black combat boots my h/l h/c was in a braid with streaks of f/c. I looked at my wings they were white feathered wings and I landed back on ground with a f/w next to me...."What the...How did I-" I was cut off by everyone hugging me...okay this is new...

Slender POV

Oh thank Zalgo she's safe... I just had to hug y/n I regret hitting her with my tentacle I was just so angry...I have to apologize...

Masky POV

She's safe!!!! I hugged her. I just had to hehehe.......but HOW ON EARTH DID SHE GET WINGS???

Hoddie POV

We were all hugging y/n I was so happy that she and Damien are safe but I have to ask her a few questions like how did she get wings? What the hell lifted her up? Did she want to do that? Tight now is not the time right now is to enjoy that she is here....here and alive

Toby POV

Wow I have not been this happy about someone being alive since....ever. But I have to say she has pretty nice wings. But forget that SHES ALIVE!!!


She's safe and that's all that matters right now I know that I'm not supposed to literally be happy about someone living since you know I kill and well I really didn't care now EVEN SLENDER WAS HUGGING HER!! I MEAN COME ON!!

Damien POV

I hugged my big sissy first before everyone I was a bit angry since everyone is hugging her since you know she is my sissy but I didn't care now what I care now is my big sister but how did she get wings or I should say a new pair of wings?

Back to y/n POV

Everyone stopped hugging me and well there was a awkward silence...I just took my picture about me Damien my cloak and hoodie but I didn't put them on instead I just held on to them. I looked down and smiled at Damien he smiled back I grabbed him and held him in my arms "Hey can we go back I miss going back home.....Also I am sooooooooooooooooooooo sorry about causing this much trouble I deserve any punishment that you give me since you know I caused you guys to come all the way here to save me and well-" Slender cut me off "you don't have to apologize for anything and I won't give you ANY punishment I'm sorry for hitting you Im really sorry I just got a little angry..." "A little?" " Fine I got really angry now lets head back Sally must be worried about us right now..."

~Time skipped when Everyone was at the steps of the mansion of the mansion since auther is lazy 😋~

Damien got off me and I opened the door wierd it was unlocked. ....I walked in carefully since my wings were still out ...It was dark as heck in here I couldn't see anything.. Something grabbed me and threw me to the wall with a sharp silver knife to my neck..Slender turned on the lights..I grabbed whoever it was threw them in the wall got their weapon threw it to the other side of the room and my f/w was pointing at them.."Y/N!!! ITS JUST JEFF!!" Said Masky "Ohh hehe sorry Jeff" He just stood there staring at me..He walked towards Slender and asked him something.. "WHAT THATS HER HOW THE HELL DID THAT HAPPEN!?!" Jeff turned around and ran toward me and...hugged me!?!?!?! Ok is everyone okay? Or am I dreaming? Everyone looked at him shocked and some of them looked jeleous? !?! I am definitely dreaming. He stopped hugging me "WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GO!?!?" Jeff said "Oh...uh... long story that I have to tell later" I said "So where is BEN and sally?" BEN is with sally upstairs trying to calm Sally down and that's not going to good right now while I was gaurding here if any intruders come and well sorry for attacking you heh" He scratched the back of his neck "No problem I should be telling you sorry as well heh" I smiled.  "So Sally is upstairs in her bedroom with BEN?" "Yup if you want I can go with you because probably if sally sees you she's going to hug you to death.." "Ok the lets go...wait come here Damien your coming as well or do want to stay here?" He smirked "No I'll stay down here something tells me I should stay down here" He did a evil glare at Hoodie Toby Masky EJ and Slender "WHAT?" They all said I just straight up laughed at them and me and Jeff went to Sally's room "So y/n what's up with the wings?" "I dont know actually when I Saved Damien these new wings just came up and well yea" "Whoa that's something also your hair and clothes? And how did you get that f/w?" "When I saved Damien and me all of that happened and well that happened to my hair as well" .."oh.." I started thinking when we were approaching Sally's room...What am I?

What's up my roses I am SOOOOOOOOOO SORRY I DID NOT UPDATE earlier I promise I'll make another today and I'll make two tomorrow as well to make it up yo you guys but I hoped you like it and if not tell me why and how I could improve it for the next chapter Have a nice day bye~♥

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