Chapter 10: Not Now

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Chapter 10: Not Now

Saturday morning. 10 days left. Oh gosh. Someone save me, please!

I have no idea why the tension is killing me, shouldn't I be happy? My wolf is literally howling every night, asking for me to say yes already. That is a reason why I am never able to sleep for at least my usual 8 hours.

Maybe I should just say yes.

'So you're blaming me for your lack of sleep.' My wolf says dully.


'Well it's not my fault humans are so stupid.'

'So you're saying I should say yes?'

'Yeah! You totally should! We could benefit so much from it!' my wolf immediately answers.

'That just gives me more of a reason not to. Wait ten days okay?' I laugh.

'You're so mean to me," she pouts.

'You know what? I think we should give you a name,' I say.

'Finally you think of that,' I can sense her rolling her eyes as the both of us think of a suitable name for my beautiful white wolf.

'How about Twila?' I ask. I can feel her grin and that slowly places one on mine.

'That's perfect! I finally have a name!' she exclaims. I laugh along with her as I get up towards my computer.

Chase, you may ask, is currently cleaning up his side of the room. I was complaining about it earlier that it was too messy - clothes strewn on the sofa and floors, packets of empty Doritos hidden underneath; and even if there were clothes in his closet, it would be simply be a miracle to even find one pair that was folded neatly.

"Shayla! Help me fold the clothes?" he pleads. I watch him helplessly toss clothes from his drawer onto his bed, then slowly folding them - and not even neatly!

Okay, you're probably thinking I'm a neat freak, which I'm not! It's just that if you saw how his side of the room - yes, I said his side, since I can't deal with a messy room - you would definitely act the same way as I am right now.

"Please?" he begs, flapping his hands in the air.

"Fine," I reply, dragging myself from my chair to the ever growing tower of clothes. He grins.

I sit on the floor next to him and start to fold.

This is going to be a heck of a long day.


"Shayla! This is an emergency!" screams Ashlyn. I laugh as I look up to Ashlyn who was facing her erupting wardrobe, "I'm running out of clothes! We have to go shopping!"

"You have enough clothes to supply a whole entire North America!"

"No! They're getting old!"

"You bought those last week." I flatly say.

"Exactly! Last weeeeekk." she drags on, "We have to go shopping! 'Sides, when was the last time we spent some quality girl time together?" she asks. Trueee... The two of us have only been focusing on our mates these days besides the band practices.

"Fine," I agree. She squeals. "I wanted to get a new pair of jeans anyways," I shrug. She jumps up to hug me.


"What!? Now?" I ask, eyes wide. Not that there's a problem with it, it's just that I didn't predict it to be now. Well, we're talking about Ashlyn... So why wouldn't it be now? Oops :D

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