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Tyler's pov

I awoke the next morning, my back aching from the hard wood floor. I try to roll over to get comfortable but two arms tightly around my waist stops me. For a brief second I forgot about last night and the words that seem to slip from our lips. It surprised me how much she opened up to me but it made me feel better because I know how much we are alike.

I let out a sigh as I pull up the hood of my skeleton jacket as I try and think of ways to tell her about myself. I want to tell her everything about me but the words are hard to make out because telling her about me would be showing all my wounds and scars. I can't help but to think about last nights events and the look in her eye after she told me the truth about her, she seemed liked a deer caught in the middle of a free way but instead of a free way it was just my two eyes for headlights.

I stayed quiet for a minute, even my thoughts were silent. The only sound heard in the space was the soft breaths echoing from the walls. Ruby's breathing was calm like the ocean but no sea shell could make me feel at home like the way her breathing does.

I got so lost in the sound of her breath I didn't notice her stirring until she hovers over my face, her eyes wide and and full of sleep. Seeing her face made me smile, and the sun hits her eyes making them dance in and out of the rays of sunshine, her lips twitched as a smile threatens to spill from them.

"Good mornin'" she smiles down at me before her faces disappears from my view. I gently smile before sitting up.

I watch as Ruby gently sways around the room looking at all the knick knacks I have laying about. I watch as her fingers dance across the box of vinyls, looking for a record. I wish I had a word to explain how her hair seemed to change colors in the sun or how her hoodie sleeves slipped past her hands making her seem smaller and cuter. Little did Ruby know I was looking for words to explain moments like this, moments I can barely explain myself because my tongue is tied because she is just so breathtaking.

The hum of a familiar vinyl pulled me from my train of thought, Ruby smiles at me before walking back towards where I'm seated. Ruby stands above me with a grin on her face, she hesitantly holds her hand out for me to grab. I pause for a brief moment before taking her small hands. When eye level we both start to sway to the music, the record skips in some places but that gives it a charm. I gently sing the words to the record I've heard dozens of times. My eyes never leave hers as we sway in circles around the room.

Her eyes try to figure me out, they dig and dig to try and find something. My eyes search hers to see is she's found what she's searching for. When the song ends she sighs before breaking the gaze, there's my answer.

"What do you want to know?" I grab her arm and spin her back toward me, her eyes widen in surprise before collecting herself.

"Everything" she whispers as she adverts her eyes to the floor. I nod even though she can't see me. I sit down on the floor once more, pulling her down with me. I watch as her shoulders relax when I go to speak.

"I'm know as a basketball star, but I don't think that's my dream anymore. My mother forces sports onto me, when I was homeschooled she made me take 500 shots before dinner and if I didn't do it I couldn't eat dinner that night. I don't think basketball is my calling, I really think music is. My music is a gateway to my soul and most of it is how I feel. I've suffered from depression and suicidal thoughts but I use the music to fight it. You have the words, I have the music. I just want to make music with my best friend Josh, we're in a band together called twenty one pilots. We are actually having our first show outside of Ohio soon and I would love for you to come." I pause as I look at her, her hands fiddle with the sleeves of her yellow hoodie.

"I wouldn't miss it" she says with a slight smile.

I smile back at her as my nerves start to set in, sure the show was important before but now it has to be really good because I wrote a song about Ruby that will be played there and I don't know how she'll react to it and I don't want to ruin what we have right now. I feel comfortable around her, like I could tell her anything and she'd understand.

"Do you want to go get breakfast?" She says as she starts to stand to her feet. I nod as I stand next to her "waffle house?" She grins cheekily at me, after I let out a chuckle and a small nod she's already halfway down the ladder as excitement burst through her.

I follow behind her as we make our way out of the woods, I run my hands through my unkept hair and tug at the ends of it. We walk up to her car and she blushes at the mess of canvas and paint brushes in the front seat.

"Sorry about the mess, here I'll get it" her cheeks turn a rosy red as she walks past me to gather up the mess. Her embarrassment is cute, her red cheeks compliment her hair in the most amazing way and I couldn't help but smile the whole way to Waffle House because of her red face.

Once we are seated we both instantly look through the menus, we both settle on Belgium waffles and chocolate milk to drink

"So why did you need all that art stuff?" I say trying to make small talk, this makes her head perk up as her finger  twirls around the straw that peeks from her glass.

"Oh I'm applying for art colleges" she says proudly with a smile.

"That's great" I say trying to mask my anger for my mom because when I met Ruby she never once thought of college until the diner party with my mother.

"Where are you thinking of going?" I say after I take a drink of my chocolate milk to try and stop anymore words from coming out.

"California has a really nice art school" she raises her eyebrows in thought.

"California?" My eyes widen at the place, the farthest place from me.

"Yeah, but I might hold off on that college because I don't want to leave this place just yet" she says as she enters a deep thought.

"No it's cool, it's your dream I'm just surprised you're getting farther in your dreams than I am" I nervously scratch the back of my neck

Ruby goes to speak but the waiter brings our food, that was the last talk we had of college the rest of the meal. I was dying to bring it back up but at the same time I wanted to stay mute about it because I didn't want her to leave me just yet, sure that may sound clinging but I am just now getting to know the Ruby Evans and I am defiantly not ready to let that go just yet.

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