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"Please just come home already, I miss you." I whine into my phone, embarrassingly sounding needy. It's been merely a month and a half without Tyler, his presence being gone has become normal for me and I don't know if that's good or not.

"I'll be home soon pia." Tyler laughs deeply at my very needy state.  The reassurance in his voice wasn't very strong, this shown that he was missing me too.

"Not soon enough" I whimper. Today out of all days was a day I couldn't spend being alone.

"Is something wrong?" He says as he states starts to change. I can hear him adjust himself behind the phone. The back ground of his phone was loud and noisy, many voices echoed behind him, but then they all disappeared as if he left the room.

"No, not necessarily. Today is just an importantly lonely day." I say as I try to dodge telling him it's my birthday. I fiddle with my hands as nerves race throughout me.

"What do you mean?" He asks sounding confused. I walk to the windowsill and glance out the window. The neighbors across the street and Kelly are all talking. They all glance in my houses direction and I instantly furrow my brows.

"Oh. Nothing." I hum not interested as the the topic of conversation slips my mind, Tyler could notice.

"Pia, you gotta tell me what's troubling you. " He says in a worried voice.

"No nothings serious is wrong, well I don't know exactly. Your mom and the neighbors are all looking in the direction of my house." I say, dumping my problems a top Tyler once again.

"I can remember when all the neighbors used to say, someone's there but no ones home when your parents first left." he says nonchalantly. It is just now becoming aware to me that the fact the neighbors could see me and I wasn't just in my own little bubble.

"They said that?" I say as I think about the neighbors I've never gotten to meet, let alone know their names.

"Yeah, they called you mystery girl all the time." I stare out my window at the gathering of suburban moms and all the gossip flowing between their lips. I could see Kelly telling them all about how I, antisocial freak, corrupted her angel, perfect son.

"It's making me very numinous." I hum deeply into the phone.

"Numinous?" He asks with a hint of excitement
In his voice.

"Fearful yet fascinated." I say as pull the blinds close, letting the suburban moms be hidden behind the thick material.

"It's nothing to worry about Pia, I promise." He says so calmly. The nickname used made my heart skip a beat.

"I hope so ty." I sigh contently. I pull myself into my messed up covers.

"I should get going, I'll call you tomorrow?" He says as sadness rushes through me.

"Okay, tomorrow. Tell josh I said hello." I say, not wanting him to leave me alone on this 'special' day.

"Will do. Bye" he says as he's already hanging up the phone. I stare at my now black screen at the reflection shown through the phone, I frown deeply.

"Happy birthday" i sigh deeply.

I juggle the idea of calling my parents, with a press of the button my ears are filled with ringing as I wait to be reached with hanks deep voice.

Hey this is hank, sorry I can't reach the phone right now, I'll try to get back to you.

I let out a groan as I hang up the phone. I resort to the last companion I seem to have, Jack. My fingers swiftly hover over our multiple messages sent back and fourth. The conversation ranges from his travels to Seattle, to my many paintings.

Kalon / t.j.Where stories live. Discover now