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"Thank you all for coming out and supporting what we do." Tyler says into the mic as the show comes to an end. The boys' two figures stood center stage as Josh's arm slung over Tyler's broad shoulders, smiles both taking up most of their faces as the crowd continues to cheer. They both take a bow to the erupting crowd. "We're twenty one pilots and so are you, thank you!" And just like that they're off the stage and the crowd starts to move towards the exit in a unorganized manner, I stay at the barrier as I rest my hands on my head as a little laugh falls from my lips.

My feet tiptoe around the garbage spewed across the floor as I make my way to the backstage area where Tyler and Josh are collecting themselves after an eventful show. When I catch a glimpse of Tyler my feet pick up  a quicker pace and I throw myself toward his body, catching him by surprise and nearly knocking him down. Small giggles escape from his pink lips as our two bodies connect.

"Tyler that was amazing" I say into his neck, his bare chest drenched with sweat but that didn't stop me from bear hugging him. He starts to rub my back as we both savor the moment of being in each other's arms. "You did so good" I whisper to him which seems to lift his spirits even more than they were.

I let go and hug Josh and tell him how good he was also, he responds with a crinkled smile and a bear hug. I turn back to face Tyler, I wanted to ask him about the song and the kiss but I didn't want to burden him and his moment of fame so I kept quiet about it. My lips still tingle from the kiss and I run my tongue over my bottom lip trying to feel the taste of Tyler's lips on mine once again.

"Let's get packed up and get home" Tyler says with a yawn as he makes his way back to the stage to start packing up. We all finish packing up in less than an hour and a half as we say goodbye to the now quiet venue.

We all tiredly make our way back the van we came in, I climb in the back with Tyler next to me, and Josh say upfront next to mark. The radio hums in the background of the car as I lay down and place my head on Tyler's lap. I close my eyes gently as his hands start to entangle my hair and a little smile comes to my face as sleep starts to wash over me.

Tyler's pov

I run my hands through the hair of the sleeping girl sprawled out in the seat, her head resting softly on my thighs. I take this chance to memorize her features, as if I hadn't already before. I try and count the freckles sprawled across the bridge on her nose but I loose count as her breathing rings through my ears.

"You really like her don't you?" Josh's words make my head tear away from her mesmerizing figure as I turn to face the boy whom is turned to face me. I thought about his question for a minute before running my hands through her hair once more.

"I do Josh, I really do" I say as a smile comes to my best friends face, He turns back around without anymore words.

I lay my head against the window as a sigh comes from my lips. What if she didn't like me? She has to like you, she kissed you back. Maybe she only kissed me so I wouldn't be embarrassed if I got denied. She likes you. She doesn't. My mind was waging a war as I found myself cringing in pain as my head started to ache as the battle behind my forehead progressed on. I sigh as I close my eyes to ease the pain, I found myself drifting in and out of sleep until we pulled up to the familiar driveway.

"Do you want to wake her?" Josh says as he looks at the sleeping girl laid across the leather seats. I shake my head as I slide her head off me and get out of the car to only bend down and scoop her up bridal style, her face nuzzles into my chest as she starts to get comfortable again. I gently smile at the sleeping girl as I start making my way over to her house. The door was unlocked as I push it open and make my way over to the stairs where I start to climb and balance her body in my arms. When I make it into her room, I gently lay her on the bed before pulling the duvet over her body. I whisper a goodnight before going to leave.

"Ty" a small mumble comes once I make it to the door, I turn to face the bed, her head is peeking out of the covers as her sleepy eyes stare at me.

"Mmh pia" I say as quietly as I could and yet still be heard. I didn't know why I was being so quiet when no one else is home.

"Please stay" she says which catches me by surprise, she extends her arm out to me as a huge smile comes to my lips.

"I will, let me just go get our luggage" she lets out a breath of relief as I spin on my heels and back down the stairs and out to the car where Mark and Josh are lazily having a conversation.

"Hey you guys can go, have a goodnight" I say to them as I grab mine and Ruby's luggage. I walk back to her house once Mark drives out of the driveway. I open the door and set the luggage next to the door and make my way back upstairs. When I draw open ruby's door she's laying on her side with one half of the blanket over her body and the other pulled back for me. I gently smile as I slip off my shoes and make my way towards her bed and reluctantly climb into her sheets. When I lay down her eyes open slightly as a sleepy smile plays on her lips.

"Hey ty" she mumbles as she pulls herself to my chest, my heart starts beating rapid and I start to hope she can't hear it but by how fast she falls asleep all of my worrying disappears. I start to rub her back as my eyes fall sleepy. I lazily place a kiss on her forehead as I hear her hum in satisfaction.

"Goodnight pia" I mumbled before falling into sleep.

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