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The sun radiates off me as I open my eyes the next morning. I go to move but two arms snake around my body and pull me closer to them, my eyes meet Tyler's figure, his hair was a mess and his face seemed at peace. He was beautiful, completely stunning. My eyes graze over his lips and I think of the kiss that we shared and I find myself craving more. I find myself pulling from his grip as softly as I could so I wouldn't waken the sleeping boy. When I successfully make it out of the bed with Tyler still asleep I tip toe myself towards the bathroom, grabbing clothes on the way. I tightly shut the door behind me before starting the cascade of water. I strip myself of last nights clothes before pulling myself into the warm water. I try to wash lightly so the touch of Tyler can still be felt on my warm skin. I stop the water and pull myself into the cold air which immediately causes goosebumps to rise all across my porcelain glazed skin. I slip on the clothes I brought into the bathroom, I brush out my hair before walking back to my room. When I push aside the door the bed is empty as Tyler hovers above my desk, his eyes darting across the pages of note book paper spread across the wooden surface, his eye brows furrowed in concentration as he tried to gather up as much information as fast as he could.

"Poetry" my voice makes him jump as his face starts to redden at the fact that I caught him snooping. "That's all my poetry." I brush off the red face to lessen his embarrassment.

"It's great Ruby, you just have a way with words, a songwriters dream." He chuckles lightly as his hand connects to his hair tightly. The room fell to a silence and there's just so many things I wanted to talk about but I didn't know if I should bring them up. I wanted to ask him about me going to college, the show, the kiss we shared and the awkward sharing of affection between the both of us.

"Can I ask you something?" He breaks the silence as he meets my eye, his eyebrows raised as he shoves his hands in the pockets of he worn skinny jeans. I'm thankful he spoke up first so I wouldn't have to be the one to pour everything into a question.

"Of course" I say as I take a seat back on my unmade bed and patiently wait for him to speak.

"Is college something you want or is it something you're told you want?" His question catches me off guard as I find myself wordless for once. He eyes cut holes in me as his stare hardens me, my mouth turns dry.

"I think it's what I want" I furrow my eye brows at my uncertain answer and the hesitation in my voice seemed to anger Tyler for an unknown reason. I watch curiously as he starts to pace against the carpeted floor.

"When I met you college was something you felt you didn't need, then the dinner party happened and now college is in the picture, I just don't understand it." His hands move widely across his scalp. As the anger and stress builds up behind each hand movement that he makes.

"Your mother opened my ey-" I started to say to the fast moving boy pacing around my room in a angry rushed tone, anger radiating off his skin as his hands furiously graze his scalp to try and calm himself down.

"My mother is rude and knows nothing about you, no offense to her but she has no idea what she is doing" his words cut me off abruptly, shocking me at his angry tone, something I've yet to see this side of him.

"Tyler why are you so angry about this?" I stand from my bed and make my way to the fuming boy who paces across the room, his footsteps echoing at each a step. He sighs in defeat as he hangs his head low. I am afraid to touch him as if he'd fall apart right there.

"Pia." He whispers the familiar nickname and my stomach churns. "Please don't change just because someone else wants you to, you're already amazing enough." He whispers as his eyes meet mine, a golden brown, so golden I find myself getting lost in them. I let my arms wrap around his neck as I pull his body closer to mine, so close his torso presses against mine. His heavy heart beat plunges beneath his grey tshirt.

"Ty-" I start but Tyler lunches forward and seizes my lips with his, the kiss was sloppy and needed, not like the one we shared last night. This one has so much force and hunger behind it. As cliche as it sounds, I felt sparks but then I realized what was actually happening and I quickly pull away. "Stop doing that." I frantically throw my hands into the air as frustration starts to bubble in my throat. I go to speak again but the ringing of my phone erupts through the silent space. I sigh as I answer the call.

"Hello" I say monotone as I dodge the eager glances from the bashful boy stood across the room. "Yeah he's right here, okay I'll tell him" Tyler's head perks up at the mention of him, I say my goodbyes to he person on the other end before hanging up.

"Josh wants you to come over to his house, your phone must be dead since he tried calling you." I say as Tyler digs around in his pockets for the device. He sheepishly pulls the dead phone from his black skinny jeans.

"I'll see you later, I'm sorry for the kiss but at the same time I'm not." He says as he kisses my forehead as he leaves the door, leaving me stood alone in the empty room which seems too big now that he's gone. I hear the click of my front door closing echo throughout the house and my mind leads into the emptiness.

I let out a sigh as I find myself hauling out my painting supplies from my closet. I set up the canvas and my eyes wandered over the endless colors, I settle on a shade of pink and yellow. I grab three shades of green and two shades of brown before I start to fill up the blank canvas with paints. I never liked anything I've created, but the painting that sat in front of me seemed to make me smile in the oddest of ways, a piano sat in the middle of an empty meadow where the sky is a shade of pink and yellow. It was odd and unrealistic, maybe that's why it made me feel something. This is would be the painting that I'll try and use to land me in an art college.

College. Do I really want college? A sigh escapes my lips as I flop back on my bed in exasperation. My mind is a clutter of ifs and ands my head is a hurricane and Tyler is the population devastated by my rapid winds. I am a wild fire.

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