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I am shaken awake by Tyler who has an excited grin stretched across his lips, he greets me with a small hug once I climb out of the car. We all make our way towards the venues basement, sleep still dripping off of me.

"Holy crap Tyler. Look how big it is. " Josh exclaims at his friend who is too mesmerized to speak as his eyes outline the huge entry room. I reach over and grab Tyler's hand in mine and squeeze it, when he looks over at me I greet him with a huge smile, something words can barely describe. I know tonight is something Tyler was new to and its scary yet exciting, he was about to put himself out there for hundreds to see and I felt the nervousness in his trembling hand.

I watch as Tyler's eyes scan the huge area that will soon be tightly filled with bodies, a smile emerging to his lips, words threatening to spill any second.

"Latibule" he whispers into the empty air and I find myself become giddy. "Latibule" he says once more as he turns and faces me.

"A place of safety and comfort" I whisper as my eyes search over his face and the happiness etched into every piece of skin. He nods gently, a smile spilling out all of his happiness.

"Latibule!" He screams excitedly into the open air, his fingers running through hair hair in a frenzy, and I can't help but smile at the happy boy. This is the happiest I've seen him yet and I seem to crave more of the happiness radiating off of him.

"Hey Tyler care to give us a hand?" Josh screams across the room as his hands are filled with parts to a drum set.

"Duty calls" he smiles over at me, then he does something I least expected him to do, he swoops down and places a kiss to my forehead before hurriedly running off to help set up the instruments. I can't keep the smile off of my face.

I find the room start to get stuffy as I make my way to the exit doors. When I push the doors aside voices ring my ears, I step fully out into the air and to my right is a line beginning to form down the cracked sidewalk. I glance down at my wrist watch quickly, five twenty-seven, the doors don't open until seven and I find myself wide eyed as I start running back to the boys who are finishing up the instruments on the stage.

"Guys there is a line starting to form out there" I say excitedly as their faces go wide in smiles. I've just become aware about how much Tyler and Josh have an impact on people just because of their music and it gets me pumped to see them preform in the oncoming hours.

I make my way a little ways from the barrier before I sit on the ground and watch the boys key together the many instruments. When the instruments are finally put together Tyler and Josh sit back and admire their work.

"Play me something!" I shout from my position on the floor which takes the proud boys surprised at the sudden outburst. Tyler and Josh exchange glances with one another before they get positioned behind their instruments, Tyler stood center star holding his infamous uke and Josh say behind the drums, drumsticks in hands.  Without even talking they both started strumming and hitting their instruments. Then Tyler's voice cut through the music.

"Wise man said only fools fall for you" his voice comes out strong and sweet flowing like honey. He took a deep breath and closes his eyes before starting again "but I can't help falling in love with you" he sighs deeply into the mic and reopens his eyes to meet mine

"Like a river flows, surely to the sea darling so it goes... Some things are meant to be" I close my eyes at the lyrics hit me like an oncoming wave.

"But I can't help falling in love with you" he finishes a off the song with a heavy sigh into the mic, his eyes are closed and his shoulders are slumped as if he's been awake for hours, he probably has not knowing what goes on is that head of his.  I stand to my feet and start clapping at the two members on the stage. My clapping causes a smile to come to his lips and his golden brown eyes hit me and in an instant I am relieved.

Kalon / t.j.Where stories live. Discover now