Part I, Chapter III

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"Mom!" Pen Screeched.

"Honey! Please quiet down, your father is asleep."

Pen, not willing to quiet down, continued.

"I just saw two humans, tackle this guy, and they ripped off his wings!"

Pen's mother was in shock. She had never heard of someone doing something so horrifying.

"Honey!" Sandra called for her husband.

Pen's father crawled out of bed.

"What is it Sandra?" He said in a kind tone.

"Taku, Pen just said he saw two men rip the wings of someone! Can you imagine! Getting your wings ripped off!"

Taku was contemplating something, and after awhile he said, "About a week ago, I heard two guys in the shop talking about something similar. They said they saw a guy get his wings ripped off. They called the criminals Rippers. Apparently, Rippers are these humans that take the wings off us Lumans. I have no clue what their motive is." Taku shrugged.

"Probably because those nasty humans wanna fly like us, and the only way to do that is to take our wings." Pen snared.

Pen's mother seemed very concerned.

"Pen, why don't you go in your room and do your homework, I want to talk to your father alone."

Pen nodded, and walked to the stairs, there, he hid behind the wall, and listened in on his parents conversation.

"Why is this happening? Are we safe?" Sandra whispered.

"I don't know, but I think we should keep an eye on Pen. He's only 14, I don't think he should be going to school alone anymore. Let's call Arlo's parents, Pen and Arlo live close, maybe they can go to school together."

Pen headed back to his room. He had never seen his parents this nervous. He opened his notebook, the words NEVER GO BACK TO KEVRON stared right at Pen, he then proceeded to write NEVER TRUST A HUMAN. He shut his notebook, closed his eyes, and headed to sleep.

Pen woke up with a start. He opened his front door to find Arlo waiting for him.

"Our parents want us to go to school together now, because of, you know, the rippers." Arlo said in a low voice.

"Yea, I know, let's go." "Bye mom, bye dad!" Pen shouted.

"Bye sweety! Be safe!" They replied.

Pen shut the door behind them, and they headed to school.

"So Pen, I have an idea."

"Yea Arlo?"

"Remember my idea about getting rid of Stockwells?"

Pen looked surprised, he had completely forgotten about that. He was so busy worrying about the rippers, he didn't have time to think of anything else.

"Arlo... Halley was right. That's a stupid idea." Pen started.

"I know you think that, but I figured out a way to get rid of it for good, and we won't get in any trouble!"

Pen was now intrigued. He wanted his family's shop back. He didn't want his dad to be an architect, and his mom was very tired from being at school all day.

"I'm listening." Pen said.

"Well... I can't tell you now we're practically at school!" Arlo laughed. "How about you come over my house, and we'll talk about it there."

"Alright." Pen sighed.

Arlo and Pen landed in the school courtyard. Halley greeted them, but she looked distraught.

"Guys, Fern won't leave me alone!"

"OooOoo looks like Fern has a little crush on Halley!" Pen laughed.

"Ewww shut up Pen!" Halley slapped him.

Fern then ran up to Halley, panting like a dog.

"Halley wanna see a cool trick."

"No." Halley said bluntly.



"Great, I'll show you then."

Fern then turned around, bent over, and stuck his head in between his legs. He then rolled over, lying on the floor with his head tucked in between his legs.

"Pre-pretty cool huh?" Fern wheased.

Halley, truly freaked out, ran to class, as did Arlo and Pen.

"Wait, guys! I'm stuck!"

Fern then squirmed on the ground for a while. But no one came to help him.

In history class, Pen was learning about the long history between humans, and lumans. His teacher, Mr. Douglas, lectured: "As you all know, Humans and Lumans are very different." The whole class nodded, "Humans, live in the swamps and fields of our planet, while us Lumans live high in the mountains. Separating us both geographically, and culturally." Pen was frantically writing in his notebook, while Arlo was doodling a picture of his new creation, a robot cat. "Humans were said to be created by The Setchi, A being that lives below the ground, there by binding its creations to the surface of our planet. Lumans are said to have been created by The Roma a being that lives high above the clouds, thereby gifting its pupils with the power of flight. It is rumored that the Setchi and the Roma have always feuded, and the Setchi has always been jealous of The Roma, for The Roma has the bright, open sky as its home, and The Setchi has only the dark caverns of our planet." As Mr. Douglas continued, Pen was amazed by these two beings, and was listening to every word Mr. Douglas had to say. after class, Pen approached Arlo, "Isn't it incredible?"

"Isn't what incredible?" Arlo replied.

"The Setchi and The Roma, isn't it cool!?"

Arlo laughed. "You actually believe in that stuff! Ha! Pen that's all just a myth."

"Well I don't think it's a myth."

After school, Pen and Arlo flew past the courtyard, chuckling at Fern, who was sound asleep with his head stuck between his two legs. As Pen and Arlo walked inside Arlo's house, Arlo's mother was crying. 

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