Part I, Chapter VIII

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*Boop* *Boop* *Boop* *Boop*

Pen didn't wake up to his normal alarm clock, he woke up to a heart monitor. Its continuous boop was irritating.

"How are you feeling?" The Doctor asked.

Pen felt low in his bed. His wings. They weren't there. It wasn't a nightmare? They're actually gone? Pen started to panic.

"My wings, where are they?"

"We don't know. Those rippers took everyone at the scene. When others arrived. They were all gone."

Pen thought about what the doctor had just said. Everyone at the scene was taken. His parents. Arlo's mother. Halley.

"Where is everyone else?" Pen asked.

"They're here. But right now get some rest. You're heart rate is abnormally high."

"Maybe because my wings were just ripped off by some nasty humans!! I don't need rest. I'm finding my friend." Pen got out of bed. He felt his back, his bare back. When he walked, he felt off balance, and weak. He found Halley's room, and walked in.

"Pen." Halley said.


"Let's go get Arlo... These rippers need to be stopped. Now."

Pen could hardly believe what he was hearing. Was Halley actually going to go along with one of Arlo's plans?

"Okay, I think I know where he is."

Pen and Halley ran out the hospital in their Johnny's. Some doctors tried to stop them, but they didn't listen. They were heading for Soba Prison, where Arlo most likely was. It was on the opposite side of town. Usually this would not be a problem, but without their wings, they needed to run, which takes much longer. By the time they got to the prison, they were completely out of breath. "Okay, let's go bust him out." Halley wheezed, as sweat was pouring down her face. They entered the prison, but when they asked the Officers where Arlo was, they said he got busted out.

"Where's Arlo?" Halley screamed.

The Officers looked scared, "Two huge robots barged in the front door, one pinned us down, and the other busted him out. By the time the robot let us go he was long gone."

"Where would he have gone Pen?" Halley asked.

"I think I know where, follow me."

Pen and Halley had to run even more. Their legs ached, Pen was praying that somehow, he would be able to get his wings back, but the chances of that happening were slim. Pen and Halley arrived at the tunnel, and there was Arlo with about 7 ArmyBots. When Halley saw Arlo, her face turned bright red, and she kicked him right in the gut. "What the heck were you thinking? You could have gotten someone killed! You could have gotten yourself killed! And because of YOU there was a big crowd on the streets, and a bunch of rippers captured us! Do you ever think before you act! I hope you have a good excuse mister!" Halley was more angry at Arlo than ever. She blamed him for her wings being gone. Pen on the other hand did not. At first Arlo looked at both of them. Their wings were gone. They looked like humans. It was appalling. He eventually got some words together, and began to speak, "First off, nice Johnny's." Arlo said in his usual sarcastic tone, "Second, I used Stockwells to test my ArmyBots' capabilities. And, the tests showed that they are pretty darn capable of taking down some stupid humans."

Pen couldn't help but laugh at his insane friend. He blew up a grocery store, just to test out his robots. On the other hand, Halley couldn't find the humor in the whole thing. "Okay, so you have these dumb robots now. What are you planning on doing with them?" Halley stated.

"Well, clearly, the Mayor's police raid has failed. So, we're gonna go into this tunnel. And any rippers inside will get taken down by my robots."

"Wait... we?" Halley remarked.

"C'mon guys, I need your help. What do you say?"

There wasn't a doubt in Pen's mind, "I'm in." Pen patted his friend on the shoulder.

"Great!" Arlo said excitedly.

"How about you Halley?" Pen asked.

"Guys, even if we do get these rippers. What about are wings? How are we going to get those back?"

"Well, we could question one of the rippers we capture. I'm sure he'll tell us where they are." Pen said optimistically.

"That's the spirit Pen!" Arlo hollered.

Arlo and Pen both looked at Halley, waiting for her answer. Halley looked at Pen. His wings were gone. She knew how much Pen loved flying, and she would do anything to bring that happiness back to him.

"Okay. I'm In."

"Yes!" Pen and Arlo both screamed in excitement.

"All we need to do is hide here until some rippers open the door. When they do, my robots will capture all of them." Arlo declared. Immediately after, in the distance, they heard footsteps. They all hid behind some trees, and Arlo's robots were ready to capture the ripper. 

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