Chapter Three

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Next morning I was eager to go to school after about a decade. I had to talk to Calvin. I had to know more about him. I was desperate to make a friend after ages. I reached class and quickly scanned for him. He was sitting right at the end. I walked up to him revising what to say. Stay calm. Stay clam. Stay calm Ann, was all I could think. I finally managed a stammering fit. "H-h-ey Calvin. C-can I sit with you?" He looked up with a hint of surprise in his concerned face and said," Why of course you can!" I sat down beside him and gave myself a mental thumbs up. So far so good.

Class started. I drifted out from consciousness to unconsciousness and back. When I finished reading, I listened to the lectures. Everyday routine. Break was the first opportunity of speaking to Calvin. I wasnt that good at initiating a conversation so I started with the most basic topic: weather.

"Don't you think its getting too hot these days?" "Yup. Global warming," he said with a shrug. "Right" was all I could manage. "So..hows life?" Yippee! He asked something!! "All fine. Umm..Calvin, I hardly know you. Can I, like I mean, why don't we get to know each other? Tell me about yourself", I spilled. He looked up with knitted brows. Bet he was thinking. What? I am clueless.

"Sure Ann. Actually thats a great idea. Can you come over at my house today evening? We can have a chat."

That seemed okay. I agreed. We were to meet at 5 that evening at his house. I took his details and went back home. I asked my mom if I was allowed and she said yes, I was although I could sense the tinge of suspicion in her. Strict mothers can be unnerving right? I told grandma and she too was happy. She told me to bring Calvin home one day so that she could see her granddaughter's first friend. "Before I die, bring that blessed child to me", she said. Again, the topic of death always lingered in the air in our house. I wanted to away with it badly. But, thats what my family is like. No denying that.

I terribly missed my dad. He had gone to a business trip for about a week. He was to return next week.

I reached Calvin's doorstep sharply at 5. Yes, I'm punctual to my bones. Maybe because I hardly had anything to do otherwise except for reading.

He welcomed me inside and introduced me to his parents. They seemed sweet. He took me to his room and I gasped. Was that a room or a library? All I could see in his room was books and more books and more books. His room looked heavenly. I turned to him and said," You read a lot, don't you?" He smiled and said," As much as you." He gave me a tour through the bookshelves and showed me his favourite books.

"Don't think all I do is read books",he said,"I listen to music, I play football and occasionally, I write." "You write?" I asked. This boy would never cease to surprise me. "Yes. Incase you wonder, I write poems. " "Wow Calvin. Thats great. I would love to read your poems someday." He smiled and said," Someday later. Lets talk today." "Yeah." I said. "Tell me Ann, do you listen to music?" "Yes I do. All kinds. Pop, rock, metal, rap, everything." His eyes widened. " I told you Ann. We are so so alike. "

Seriously even I felt that. We talked for a long time without getting bored even for a few minutes. After an hour had passed, I said I should leave. He came to see me to the door. When I was just about to leave he said suddenly," We were put together by fate, Ann. Don't betray fate's trust in us." Fate? I looked up, " I am an atheist. I don't believe in God or fate or destiny. But, I believe in friendship. And I believe in you. So, im never going anywhere. Okay?" I said. "You are an atheist? We should talk about that one day. Say, tomorrow?" Another meet?? "Sure Calvin. Bye."

I walked back home with this different feeling in me. A feeling I had never felt. Something that made me smile by recalling his words.

Fate was it?

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