Chapter Five

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«Before I begin with this chapter, I would like to thank Sonika21702agarwal for the beautiful edit of my introduction background. Also, all my dear dear friends who are supporting me sooo much, thank you with all my heart!»

I couldn't remember when mom came or when we got into the ambulance or when we reached the hospital. As of now, I was sitting in the hospital waiting area, clutching my mom's hand. She looked all around in a daze. I could understand her state of mind. How excruciatingly painful it must be to watch your mom give in to the battle with cancer time and again. My mom had been through this for years. Still, she sat strong enough without a break down. She stood resolute. As if no materialistic thing in this earth could break her.

And me? I kept blinking back endless streams of tears. No. I couldn't cry now. Mom might break down then. The doctors had taken in grandma immediately. Any word from them was eagerly awaited by us. Dad was informed by mom and he was on his way back. All I could do now was wait for the consequences. Maybe I should believe in God. In tough times like this, anything supportive was essential for me. Right now the only thing I found was my mom's cold sweating hands.

The doors of the operating room swinged open and the doctor came to us. Was it a grim expression that played on his face? Or was I just being my usual pessimist self? My mom looked up expectantly devoid of any emotion. I guess that's what repeated tough times do to you. Nothing surprises you after some time. I snapped back to the present when I hard the deep voice of the oncologist.

"She's better. It's, as you know, increase in the growth of cancer cells. It's spreading to her lungs now. They are no longer bounded back to her throat. But, as of now she has chances of coming back. Still, because of her age, we can't be sure. We can confirm only after 48 hours." Regrowth? Spread? 48 hours? My head was reeling.

At that moment my dad came. The doctor again explained the difficulties of the situation. My dad nodded and looked sadly at me. He knew that I was nursing a threatening volcano inside me which can burst out splashing lava any minute now. After all the formalities, he came and comforted my mom. Told her not to lose hope. Reminded her of how much he loved her strong self. Then he came to me and hugged me tight. That was all I was waiting for. Comfort. But surprisingly, the volcano beneath me burst only when I felt his reassuring touch. I cried and cried clutching him. I have noticed it that you can fight with tears when you are alone. But, when you get a reassuring hand who is willing to rub off your tears, you break down. I don't know how or why. But, my experiences prove this theory of mine.

We came back home. All of us were grim and the atmosphere was heavy with worry and emotions. My dad tried to cheer us up but his attempts hardly made any progress. We ate our dinner. I went to my room soon after. I need time alone. I know that's ironic to say when all my life I've been alone but, this isolation was addictive. Once into it, engulfed into it, you can't well and proper get out of it.

I went to bed. Even after repeated tries, I failed to sleep. So, to distract myself a bit, I fetched my earphones. Music is definitely my escape. As I listened to my favourite tracks, I realised I hadn't gone to meet Calvin today. I quickly texted him an apology. As I listened to Ed Sheeran singing about missing his lover and thinking how she was doing now that she was far away from him, my parents came into my room. They looked serious.

My dad started by saying," I know you are going through a lot and you need time alone, but we should tell you this before matters worsen." I gulped. What now? I hoped and hoped whatever it was I could deal with it. It wasn't too much to carry along. My mom broke the prolonged silence and said," We have been waiting for an opportunity to tell you. Suitable times didn't come and today is the least perfect day to say this but, let's get this straight. We want you to leave this school and join another one abroad. We care for your education and as situations aren't really healthy at our home...uh...what with gran and everything, it's all too distracting for you."

I'm leaving?

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