Socially Awkward

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"Should I put this one up?"
"Edith Nat-"
"WHAT?," I ask as I come back to the world.
I had to or else my friend, Aria would have said my full name which annoys me so much.
My name is Edith Natalia Nolle. More than anything I hate my first name. When my parents say it I want to cringe.
Most adults (teachers) call me Eddie.
Classmates call me, Ed.
My best friend calls me by the only name I actually feel happy to answer to. Eden. It's simple, a bit unique, but doesn't stand out too much. It's not the most beautiful name in the world, but not the ugliest and it's a name you could make anything out of. I like it.
Aria is holding up a picture of one of her many favorite musicians, Justin Bieber. Since it's the first day of school she's decorating her locker before class.
"Sure. He'd look good between Coldplay and The Fray." I say.
*bell rings*
"Thanks. We'd better get to first period don't wanna' be late on the first day." says Aria grabbing her books.
"See you at lunch!" I say before heading to class.
First period was an absolute bore. Maybe career ed will be better. After I take my seat and the bell rings beginning second period the teacher walks in with her hand on another student's back.
"You can sit right here", she says.
She places the student in the second seat to the front of the row across from me. I'm staring at him because I've never seen him before. He must be new here. I wonder where he's from. He's probably from another big city like New York or something. I also can't help but notice that he's wearing a beanie. We can't wear hats in school.
As all these things are going through my mind I come back to Earth and realize that he's looking right back at me. As soon as I notice, a cheeky half smile appears on his face. I immediately look away and he looks down at the binder on his desk.
"Ok class before we start learning about what career we want to have in the future lets learn about each other. I'll start off. My name is Mrs. Alm, I'm from Germany, I have two brothers, and I love to teach."
"Now each of you will find a person in this class who you do not know, I understand that this may be difficult for some of you because you have been going to school with each other for so long but I see some new faces that I haven't seen wandering the hallways before so it might not be that hard."
"I want you to learn this person's name, where they're from, how many family members they have, and what they like to do. After you learn those things you will come to the front and share what you've learned. Go."
Already facing my biggest weakness on the first day, socializing. Should I ask someone? Or should I wait for someone to pair up with me? Nobody will want to pair up with me. I see the boy with the beanie walking around just as lost as I am. Should I ask him?
Unless I want to end up introducing myself I have to ask him just as I'm walking up to ask him one of the preps swooshes over and snatches him up like an eagle. Well if he didn't ask me or even notice me maybe he wouldn't have wanted to pair up anyway.
I get stuck with Sam, the person nobody wants to be stuck with or maybe I'm thinking of myself. I wish Aria were in this class she would've asked him for me.
"This is Sam. He's from Los Angeles. He has a six year old brother and he likes to play Yu Gi Oh-"
Sam cuts me off and exclaims,"NO! I don't play Yu Gi Oh! I'm not four! I play Pokemon, the real game! Yu Gi Yo is an amateurs' game! What kind of loser do you think I am?!"
"Sorry I forgot.", I said clearly not caring.
I don't think I could have introduced Sam in a more monotone voice. The whole time I could feel the boy in the beanie sitting, watching, and smiling his cheeky smile.
"Sam, now it's your turn to introduce your partner.", said Mrs. Alm.
"No.", said Sam as he went and sat hunched over in his desk with his arms crossed like a child. I knew this kid had issues.
"Would you like to introduce yourself then, sweetie?", asked Mrs. Alm.

The Boy In The Beanie (Fetus Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now