Silence Is Bliss (not)

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The next morning is quiet, Aria just stares out her window until I have to leave, usually silence is bliss but not in this case. Right now, silence feels like a knife, slowly stabbing into my chest, not deep enough to kill me, just deep enough to feel like it will.

I don't want to talk to Harry. I don't want to talk to Aria. I just feel like sitting in my room and doing absolutely nothing, I just want to lay on my bed and listen to music.

When I get to my house I do just that. I try not to look my mother in the eye because she'll know that something's wrong and I really don't want to be questioned or tell her at all about what happened, for now, for at least today, I don't want to think about anything that happened yesterday.
I go on Pandora and a band with a familiar name comes on, The Killers. The song that's playing is Bones. I like it, a lot actually but it makes me think of Harry because I know this is one of his favorite bands.

That night I eat my dinner in my bedroom and go to sleep. At about 10:00 I get a text from Aria that reads,
"We need to talk."

I ignore the text and go to sleep dreading tomorrow, when I'll have to see both Aria and Harry.

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