120 times per minute

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a mess of beats push together 120 times per minute.

120 times per minute my foot touches the bitumen; left, right, left. 120 times per minute a vibration echoes through the air and into the ears of children. 120 times per minute brass catches the sunlight and blinds an innocent bystander.

120 times per minute you miss the check step and topple into the person in front of you. 120 times per minute the baton moves forward and backwards. 120 times per minute you become hyper aware of every single thing around you.

120 times per minute you feel the sun filtering through your jacket. 120 times per minute the lump of metal in your hands becomes increasingly heavy. 120 times per minute you feel your thumb chafing against burning brass.

120 times per minute you become so close to collapsing that your heart skips a beat.

thought this would help my anxiety about tomorrow but it just made me think about it more yay

STUFF; stuff Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt