sponge my sadness

27 0 0

things are falling into place again.

i no longer feel stuck, or lonely, or like i'm treading water that only goes up to my knees.

when anita was diagnosed the earth felt as though it had abruptly stopped in its orbit.

but walking all that way with you, crossing that bridge, climbing that wall, the world became a mousewheel and my feet had set it into motion once more.

our date buddies were right next to us but they disappeared the moment i lay my head on your chest.

and lying on that hill, staring at the lights in the sky and on the ground

listening to your heartbeat match the rhythm of the air around us

feeling your soft curly hair against my neck

i looked into the stars and all of their complexity and saw them moving on their own.

every time you reach for my hand my heart flutters at the way our fingers intertwine

you sling your arm over my shoulder

you keep one hand in the air as you walk on the path and i on the railing

you stare at me with your gorgeous, warm smile when you think i'm not looking

it means you feel the same.

i want to stay in that moment on that hill being eaten alive by ants and shivering from the fresh air forever.

you made me realise
i'm going to be okay.

STUFF; stuff Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt