Today and The Past

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*Note: This series is now in editing ^^
I hope you don't mind the republishes.. 😅 heh*


"Come here sweet heart!"
"Kay, I'm comin'."
Mom was calling from the basement of the museum. I was there too, but on another side of it, observing stuff.

"Look at this! These are those ancient species I was telling you about!" She was sitting at her desk. "As you know, your father and I study the history of our origins, but also history in general, too." She pointed to her book. "This is very much what they would've looked like."

*pause* "They look a lot like us.." I said as I looked at the picture in her book, interested, but puzzled. "Why do we look so alike if they're supposedly ancient? Main differences I see are no tentacles and nothing around the eyes." I listed on my fingers.

"The answer is: We don't really know. In fact we don't know much about these 'humans' at all. Though we °can° say that if they were the domimant species on this planet before, like us, it must mean that this kind of design is what's needed to perform our everyday necessities."
"So.. were probably similar bacause these forms hold qualities we need to survive?"
"Yes, that seems like the best answer right now." she nodded "And with so much we still don't know, there's lot of research and investigation ahead of us. Things 'waiting to be discovered,' y'know?"
"Uhn" I nodded, too, in response.

"How ancient are they?"
"By several thousand years, honey."
"Aww.. Here I was thinking I'd maybe get to meet one.." I whined. "You know.. if it's possible any are still around somehow."
"Keep dreaming Peru." Mom teasingly replied, then smiled with closed eyes.
"Maa, ya never know.." I pouted.
"True. Right now we don't." She opened her eyes as she said this and looked at me, her daugher, maintaining a warm smile on her face.

When we got home that day, I ploppled down on the couch as usuall. There I rested from all the stairs we climbed. Why'd the elevator have to stop working? I thought, exhausted. My parents insist that it's healthier to take the stairs anyway, so I shouldn't complain.
Still, we live in a tall building on a near-top floor.

We live several blocks away from where Inkopolis Tower is.
I've never been to Inkopolis Plaza, even though I'm fourteen already.
It was decided that I'd stay a month or two longer before I moved incloser to it with an old friend. She has an apartment and agreed on letting me be her room mate.

"It'll cost less." I remember her cheerfully saying.
I wonder what it's like living there.. I thought as I got up and walked to my room.

I was feeling tired, so I told my parents I'd be going to sleep earlier than usuall, laid on my bed, and did.
But just before I rested my head on my pillow, I looked out the window and caught a glimpse of a blurry, tiny Inkopolis Tower.

That was all about a year ago. A lot has happened since then.

I just now chose to pick up an un-touched journal and began to write in it. It just kinda struck me to do so. ~

Journal Entry 1
Yo. My name's Perudice. What's yours? I'm sure it's nice. Fresh too.
If your reading this.. Well, this is just another story. We've all got some to tell, right?
I've decided to write down events from my inkling life, and trust me, there's a lot to tell.
I've run into friends.
I've run into enemies.
I've been forced to keep secrets.
I've discovered unexpected ones.
I've even fallen into what I think is love.
There's a beggining and there's an end to it. Lets just start there; at the start.

To tell you about that, though, I have to begin at the end. Aka, now and today.

Hey! This is my first fanfic ever written! I've wanted to write one (especially for Splatoon) for a while now, but I felt like I couldn't come up with a decent storyline or something that was interesting enough.
I've decided to start writting anyway after bouncing some more ideas around. Yea, it may not be that great..
What I was saying at the very end is that basically the story is set in present time but the main character is telling about the past and its events.
Hope you -maybe- enjoy!~
_signed SingWing7 (pls don't judge meh name! :)

approx words worth of story: 645



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Here's a quick 🌊'watermark'🌊 thing I made to go along with the editing and republishing of these chapters !

(may be a tad big, but, it's fine I think

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