Write Another One, We'll Hear

892 14 18

*Note: This series is undergoing editing ^^   hope you don't mind the republishes.. 😅 heh*


"That actually sounded pretty cool." Ash smiled as he comolemented.
"Yeah. I liked it. It made me wanna keep reading the entries." so was Victoria.
"Thanks guys." I said a little embarassed. "I'm sure it wasn't that great. But my goal was to hook whoever'd read it."
"Consider us hooked!" they said, synchronized. I wondered about that.

"You guys. You're almost like siblings. So in sync.."
"What? Hey-hey. We found out at the family reunion recently that we we're distant cousins. Now we're siblings? That's just too much to deal with, girl." she moved her hand in a sassy fashion, and I giggled at that a sec.

"No, really. You guys do seem like you could be siblings."
"I don't know about that," Ash told me, ".. Oh, and I have a question for you."
"What is it?" I asked.

"What was that about 'love' in your first entry?" there he goes again with that face; not to mention the eyebrows!
He returned to the same pose he had earlier; a hand on his chin and another on his elbow.

"Like I need to tell you!" I strongly retorted.
"C'mon." he pressed, "Just do it."
"I don't think so, Ash." I turned away.
"Just want to hear what you meant by it." he insisted, a bit annoyingly (though I'm pretty sure that was his intention).
"Uh-uh. I said no." I told him calmly and then began to whisper, "Especially not in the plaza.." the side of my hand touching my cheek, it's front facing outward.

I continued, "Everything that's happened.. We can't just share it with the other inklings, at least not yet. In the same way that t-c-o are kept seceret to this day.."
As a pause followed, I felt like I was making excuses, but this was indeed at least °part° of the truth, still.

"Mh-... " he seemed to resign, "Darn. I like how you tell stories, tho." he pouted slightly, maturely, to himself,  closing eyes. (heh -v-)
"Then I guess we'll just have to wait 'till I'm done with this next entry, then, won't we?" my eyes relaxed, quietly apologetic.
"I guess so." he shrugged, but smiled some, lax, afterwards.

"Ha. We live together so as soon as she's done I can just read it right away!" Victoria taunted.
"Don't rub it in. Plus she can just call me over and we'll all read it at the same time together, won't we?"
"Wull, that's up to her." Victo said, in a purposely pompous way, concluding their banter.
(They'd literally do almost anything to even just slightly bug eachother x) )

Turning to me Victoria spoke, "Speaking of your entries.."
"What's this next one gonna be about?" finished Ash, the two quite in sync again.
I looked up at him with mainly my eyes, which tried to shift their gaze once and again, and tilted my head only slightly.

"I thought I would write it about you." I blushed such a tiny amount, I'm sure (or hope) no one noticed.
He now had notable little blushees on his face.
Got 'iim. .. Ehehe.. ^//^'
"More specifically, about when we first met." I regained most see-able composure.
"Oh, hey!" he responded in a 'really!?' kind of tone,
"That'd be cool!" They exclaimed at the same time. There was another but-longer pause, where Victy looked over at him with just her eyes, slightly bugged.
"Ok that's gotta stop." Victoria said, while turning to Ash.

"Heh. Yea I thought it would be cool to write about this early on, and of course I'll write about our since-childhood friendship, too, Victoria!
..Not sure if in the second entry, though. It'll depend."
"Ha! She's writting about me first." Ash boasted.
"So? I've known her longer. Since about the time we were, like, squid babies!"

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