Heroes.. Wait, it's us?

401 9 2

*Note: This series is undergoin' editing. Do hope ya don't mind the republishes 😅 ..*


I'm continuing the unfinished entry as I (more like we) cooled down.

Re-read the begginning of it as a refresher, before going on.

Entry 2
"Then go. I'm right behind ya. I'll cover you."
"Hm." I nodded. I feel like I can trust this guy. What have I to lose?.. Heh.
With that I jumped in.
He looked around before doing the same.

We were falling within the darkness of the pipe, going downwards, but the slide down became exponentially less steep as it went on.
Then there was suddenly the light of day and we were out.
We returned to humanoid forms whilst and stood on something resembling the man hole or sewage pipe back in Inkopolis.

Us looking at the expanse, I wasn't sure what to expect (and to be honest, was a tiny bit scared: I was just _walking_ into something like this with a stranger). So I, almost by instict, grabbed the wrist and arm of the boy with both my hands.
"You ok?" he asked, briefly taken a little off-guard by my action.
"Yea. I'm sorry, I just.. Think we should stick together for now.." I said looking down a bit which was followed by my looking around. He looked (plus sounded) like he was about to say something; Then a voice behind us was heard.
"Th-th-the... Oc-oc-oct... The octarians are coming!"
The boy and I turned around, then looked at the old man and at one another surprised.
What is he talking about? I thought. I was sure the inkling with me thought the same thing. He did infact. (Except, he told me later, it was 'What's he talking about?')

Oh, uh, hi... Guess I lost my cool for a minute there."
"Uhh, sir, who are you?" asked the boy who's wrist I'd let go by that point.
"I'm Cap'n Cuttlefish, leader of the legendary Squidbeak Splatoon!" the man happily put a 'peace sign' in the air with his left hand.
He looks like a fun old man. I thought, smiling. What's he doing out here, though? And what is this 'squidbeak splatoon'?
"That look in your eye... --or should I say eyes?-- It's the look I've been lookin' for!"
"Have you been.. maybe, searching for us, sir? Did you need us for something?" I asked, holding back other questions, and stepping forward some while pointing to each the boy and me.

"The great zapfish that powers Inkopolis has been squidnapped!
Nobody believes me, but it's the work of the octarians! I just know it!"

"Who are they? Why would they take it?" I asked more questions.
"We've heard of the great zapfish disappearing from the tower, but not much else." Ash told the man, us trying to make some sense of things.

"They want revenge for the Great Turf War of 100 years ago! I've been keepin' an eye on them this whole time, of course...
But they stole the great zapish right our from under my nose!
Please! You gotta help me rescue the great zapfish!
... ..."
Ash and I didn't know what to say. How did we know if this guy was even sane? -No offense to him, though.-

"So... I'm gonna take your silence a yes."
"Wait, what?!" we exclaimed in surprise and confusion together.
Cap'n Cuttlefish handed us some gear before he continued, as if we hadn't said anything. [..lol]

"Starting today you're agents 3 and 4 of the New Squidbeak Splatoon!"
"What does that mean?" I asked, what he was saying only seemed to increase my confusion.

"We didn't sign up for any of this," Ash said as he pinched the clothes near the edge of his collar of the newly-given gear, as he spoke and tried to turn down the said-Captain's offer, "I'm sorry."
but the old man wouldn't hear of it and continued.
"These are your brand-new hero suits! They'll help you fight the octarians! What a great fit! (For hand-me-downs from agents 1 and 2..)" he mumbled that last part, but we still heard.
"Wha.. Wait, what happened to agents one and two!?" I let my worry get the best of me and thought the worst.
"The other agents? Oh, they're fine. Don't worry about 'em lad...
Now lets go get those octojerks! I'm countin' on you buckos!" He thrust his cane in the air in a power-pose that practically announced 'Onward!'

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