The Feeling of Losing

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*Note: This series currently undergoes editing ^^  hope you don't mind the republishes.. apologies 😅 heh*


I closed the journal, stopping right quick, and we all smiled at eachother.
We continued to walk.
"I think the entries are turning out pretty nice." Ash complemented.
"Can't argue with that, Pear, even if you did focus the story on him." she had a closed, side smile and poker-faced eyes as she pointed her thumb, turning her back to him, at Ash.

A few minutes later we made it to Inkopolis Plaza; just about the time inklings start pouring in bit by bit. I checked the time. It's almost nine.
Us inklings aren't morning people. Some even less than others. You know, kinda like with me? ^^'
(I'm pretty sure I'd get up at the eraliest 10 ish after a day of Turf Wars or any of the battles. Though, that'd be more so or later with ranked most of the time.)

"Time for another day of turf wars!" Victoria exclaimed with her usual, excited enthusiasm.
"Yeah!" Ash and I replied keyed up.

We all ran into the tower and locked elbows again.
All of us had our weapons. All of us were morning-happy.
"So? Should we go with turf wars all day today? Or should we do some ranked later?" Victoria inquired.

"I like that idea." I turned to her, sportively.
"Same here. I wanna get past the A- rank I have." said Ash ('A' for Ash, ha.)
"You show off." I teased. "I'm still B+, but I'm getting there!" I put a fist up infront of me.
"You go girl!" Victoria encouraged, after I did my playful declaration.

"Well, easy for you to say. Your almost to rank S!" ·o·
"Nu-uh. I'm half way through rank A+." corrected Victoria. 👆
"Still. Your a pretty skilled sniper." I said, replying.
"Thanks. You guys have improved a lot, though, too!"
"We probably have." said Ash, truthfully.
"You're right, aren't you? We're not perfect, but surely we've gotten better at the art of turf war! (and ranked battles)"
"Also, I got here first, right?, and that gave me an advantage."
Just as she'd said this-
"Look, the battle's starting!" Victoria narrated.
"Lets do this!" Ash said while teams were being set.

We emergered from the spawn point.
I was on a team with just Ash this time, which means.. Ash and I looked off into the distance. "Victoria's on the other team!" we used deductive reasoning.

"We'll just have to watch out for her then." "Agreed." I said.

-- Ready? Go! --

We leaped into the turf war.
The stage we're now in is Saltspray Rig.

The stage we're now in is Saltspray Rig

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"We know Victoria's usual spots." I told Ash as I inked the area surrounding the map. "But she'll probably be prepared for us to ambush her."
"Right," he replied "Lets focus on getting past her and inking the top area before the other team gets there."
"Yeah! Of course," we proceeded.

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