Agent 5, Going Way Back

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*Note: Story undergoing editing ~ do hope ya don't mind tha repubs, sry ^^' thx ~*


So. I've written about Ash already, but not Victoria, yet..
Here's entry 3! *writes*

Entry 3
I met her before I was born. She's one of the friends I consider closest.
Her name is Victoria, and we're squidhood freinds.

Our parents have known eachother since junior high.

As they got older they formed stronger relationships and after complications as well as their own involvement in drama over time, my mom got together with my dad.
That later inspired these other two friends, Victoria's parents, who'd up 'till that point had hesitated, to hook up, too.

My parents did so early in the summer before their last high school year, and Victo's parents did soon before the beginning of that same year.

Coincidentally they we're all in the same grade.
(Not that it was all rosy and smooth sailing for all of them, but you know.)

They kept close contact, even through college, and later collaborated on some projects together.

Major projects Victo's parents were involved in were: enhanced safety in turf wars and the plaza, and (more recent) weapon condensement for carrying (called 'project w.2.c').

They found a way to "condense", or kind of shrink weapons in a certain state, so we can virtually carry all and any of our weapons around where ever we go now. (And that made it possible to, in turn, own all the weapons!)

Though many times, still, inklings'll carry just a few, or go old school and take one or two weapons as is, such as in a backpack.

The essential 'teams' were
my parents, being historians (dad focusing more on visuals and organization while mom on the documentation and journalism), and
Victo's parents, focusing on science and research (her mom experimenting, observing, and analyzing things, while her dad would take that data, then verifying, and organizing it),
them both working together.

Victo, the recent nickname for her, is like a big sister to me, even though we're only six months apart in age.
She helped me a lot (like in school) growing up, and was pretty much my mentor upon first arriving in Inkopolis.

Her personality is spunky and enthusiastic. She talks, not with an accent, but a certain dialect she likes to use. She's got a lot of precision. That's why she favors the sniping weapons.
All in all, she's awesome!

I stopped writting.

"Where are my ideas?! Where did they go?" I asked myself.
All I could think this moment was: My sincere apologies, Victoria! I wrote way more about Ash than you! ..
No it's not cuz we're a thing.. I know, we've got history going way back with our parents being freinds and all, but! Ahh 😭, I'm sorry!
I was internally a bit melodramatic about it, momentarily, but it helped sort out my thoughts I think, because then..

Wait. Duh. Our missions! It occurred to me.
I stopped my worryin' thanks to this new-found idea, and continued writing.
Victo probably wouldn't have minded that much anyway. ^^

Ash and I told Victo, confiding in her, about Octo Valley the very next morning. The one following our first mission, the night of which we'd gotten home late, having talked with Cap and eachother over the matters after.

He had walked me home that night.
Heh; remembering Victoria's reaction.

"Hey, Peru. Where were you today?! I looked for ya." she said after opening the door.

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