To Meet a Friend, To Make a Friend

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Last time
Perudice looks back on a memory; visiting where her parents worked (they're historians) -- and seeing an image of a human the first time..

It's a year later now.. & a lot went down, so she was like 'Ima write this stuff down'
as a record of the *cough* somewhat-secret, *caugh* "classified" adventures.



I was running to make it on time. Again.
Why am I always late, dangit?
I asked my self semi-loudly.
Well, at least it was only by like twelve minutes this time. ovo'
"I'm here!" I stopped running as I arrived where my friends were.
"Perudice! There you are!" Victoria exclaimed.
"I see you're late as usual." Remarked Ash.
I gave him a look as I caught my breath.".. Shut it. It wasn't even as much as other times." I looked away, after a few more heaves, with crossed arms.
"Hey, I was just saying."
"Hey, lets quit wasting time! To turf wars!" urged Victo.
"Oh yeah!" we agreed.
"Lets go then!" I exclaimed.

Off we went to Inkopolis Tower. We stood and stuck together, waiting. Even though the teams were randomly picked, they say that if you stick close to your buddies, your chances of being on the same team were less slim. Doesn't always 'work', but we locked elbows anyway.
It was Victoria, Ash, and me in the middle.

The battle was starting and to our delight we °were° on the same team!
I mained an Aerosparay RG (or MG).
Ash mained a Carbon Roller Deco (sometimes a Krak-On).
And Victoria mained and mastered just about any Splat Charger or Squifer. Right now, she wieled the Splatter Scope.
The fourth team member, a dude, had a Luna Blaster Neo ready in-hand.

The fourth team member, a dude, had a Luna Blaster Neo ready in-hand

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We we're in Arwona Mall. One of my favorites!

-- Ready? Go! --

I quickly took the right side alley and started to charge up my Inkstrike special.
Victoria took the left side to reach a spot were she could snipe anyone who tried to infiltrate our base.
Ash started out by inking lots of base before moving on to the center. Luna Blaster went straight forward to help defend the center, and so far we were taking hold of it.
When it seemed safe, I left an Inkmine where I was standing before jumping down to the middle to enter their side alley. Ash had my back, and though I did take damage so did he.
He then proceeded to do a frontal attack, Luna-Blaster boy with him. He had great aim and made it easier for Ash to Carbon-Roll a bunch of their base. At one point he was splatted so Ash retreated back close to the center, while he (fourth team member) super jumped back.

By now I covered their alley and decided to use my Inkstrike right infront of their spawn point, effectively splatting two enemy inklings.
However, someone splatted me from above right after I sent it. So I respawned and super-jumped to Victoria, who had moved up to another high location, but now on their side.
I started to move to slightly lower ground as I splatted others from above.

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