Chapter Seven: Just Broken

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"Hey, Regina." Robin says as he walks into her house.

"I'm in my bedroom!" Regina yells from the top of the stairs.

Robin walks up the stairs and opens her bedroom door. He sees her sitting at her vanity applying makeup to her face. He looks at her as she focuses on perfecting her eyeliner. She turns around with a smile and Robin looks at her. She's wearing a red dress with black heels and her black hair was elegantly curled.

"You look stunning." Robin says and Regina smiles.

"Well I try. I can't believe we haven't seen each other in a week." Regina says as she throws her arms around his neck.

"I had some business to take care of." Robin say referring to his week of confidence building. "And I have something to tell you."

"So do I." Regina says as Robin wraps his arms around her waist.

"I love you." Robin says with a smile.

"Robin, I have a boyfriend." Regina says with a frown.

"How long?" Robin asks as he takes his hands off of her

"About a month. I didn't know if it was serious and it is. I love him, Robin." Regina says and Robin walks out the room. "Robin, I'm sorry!" Regina yells as Robin runs out the house.

Regina sighs as she plops down on her bed. She knew this was going to happen. They both fell in love with each other and that's why she found Graham. She was hoping that if she had a boyfriend then Robin would just be a friend to her. She should've known how wrong she was going to be.

"Knock. Knock." Graham says as he opens her door.

"Hey!" Regina says as she bolts into his arms.

"Are you ready for our date?" Graham asks and Regina nods. "Are you okay? You seem a little quiet."

"Sorry, honey." Regina says as she kisses Graham. "I just got into an argument with my best friend."

"Well I'll be sure to make this night an enjoyable one." Graham says and Regina smiles.

"Thank you." Regina says as she gives him another kiss.


"Dinner was great." Regina says as she wipes her mouth with a napkin.

"Would you like desert?" Graham asks her and she hums.

"I don't think I could eat a single thing more." Regina says as she dramatically holds her stomach.

"Well let's retire then." Graham says as he gets up and helps Regina up. "I was thinking that maybe we could take a walk to my place." Graham says and Regina smiles.

"I would love to see your place." Regina smiles as she walks out the restaurant holding Graham's hand.

"Great." Graham says as he kisses her cheek quickly.

They walk to his house as they hold hands and talk. Regina got cold and Graham gave her his jacket. They stopped at Any Given Sundae and got something to split. Regina ate most of it even after she claimed she wasn't hungry anymore.

"This is your place?" Regina asks looking at the large house.

"Yeah, do you like it?" Graham asks as he lets her in the house.

"It looks absolutely gorgeous." Regina says as she walks into the living room. Regina shivers from the cold and Graham notices.

"I'll start a fire for the both of us." He says as he walks over to the fireplace.

"Thank you for taking me out. This was one of the best dates we ever had." Regina says as she sits down on the couch.

"Any chance I get to look at you is great." Graham says as he sits next to her.

"If you keep talking like that you might get a kiss." Regina says with a smile. 

"You're just so gorgeous." Graham says as he places a hand on her cheek.

"Go on." Regina says urging him to compliment her.

"I love your lips. They're so kissable and your sexy scar brings a smile to my lips." He says as he runs his thumb over her lips. "Have I earned myself a kiss?"

"Yes." Regina says smashing her lips against his.

Graham chuckles against the kiss as his hands wrap around her back. Regina wraps her hands around his neck trying to deepen the kiss. Her mouth opens slightly letting his tongue in. Regina moans against his tongue sending vibrations through the both of them. Regina breaks the kiss to catch her breath and Graham starts kissing her neck.

"Graham..." Regina moans out his name.

"You're so amazing." Graham says against her skin.

Regina moans quietly as he kisses all of her exposed skin. Once he's done kissing her shoulders he unzips some of her dress to kiss more of her. As his mouth is occupied he trails a hand up her thigh. Regina, feeling uncomfortable moves his hand only to have it back where it is.

"Graham, stop it." Regina says quietly as his hand trails farther up.

"Ssh, be quiet while I please you." He whispers against her ear.

"I said no." Regina says louder as she pushes him off of her. Graham slaps Regina's cheek and she brings her hand up to it.

"If I needed your permission I would've asked for it." Graham tells her and she looks at him shocked.

"I need to go." Regina says as she grabs her purse.

"I didn't say you could leave." Graham says grabbing her wrist.

"Graham, let go of me." Regina says as she tries to pull her hand out his grasp.

"Regina, you're making this harder than it has to be." He says as he wraps his arms around her waist and holds her tightly. Regina fumbles with her keys before she feels the small can.

"Leave me alone!" Regina yells as she sprays him with pepper spray.

"Fuck!" Graham exclaims as his hands cover his face.

Regina runs out the house as she gets our her phone. Her tears hit the phone as she dials the only person she can think of.

"Robin, can you come get me?" She asks through her tears.


I was going to have this go further than it did but Regina has been through enough crap in her life. Anyways, Hope you loved this chapter btw!! 😂😂

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