Chapter 6: Three Words

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Emma's P.O.V:

Killian slips on his black leather jacket. Holding Killian's hand tight, we walk over and I open the door. Before me stand a man and a woman. The woman has dark, black hair, cut pleasantly into a bob, with dark brown eyes. The man has a short cut with very light brown hair and green eyes.

"Hi kids! My name is Regina, and this is my husband Robin. We're here to meet Killian Jones and to speak with Marissa." Regina looks over my shoulder and a grin spreads over her face. She must have seen Killian. She points him out to Robin.

"You must be Killian," Robin says with a smile.

"Aye... that's me," Killian replies reluctantly.

"Now about Marissa, is she here?" Regina asks.

"Yeah, I'll um... I'll go get her," I say. I head to Marissa's office, leaving Killian with his soon to be parents, and open the door.

"Marissa? Regina and Robin are here about Killian," I say, trying not to sound as upset as I am.

"Alright, tell them to come on into my office. I want you and Killian to be in here with us, okay?" Marissa says. I nod, and head back to the door.

I'll appreciate her letting me be in there more when I can think straight again.

"You can come right on in, Marissa's waiting in her office," I tell them. After showing them where the office is, they thank me and head inside. I'm about to go in after them when I feel Killian's hand on my shoulder. I turn around and face him, biting back tears. He pulls me into his arms, and I hug him back gratefully. Resting my head on his chest, he runs his fingers through my hair softly. I can feel the tears escaping my eyes, running slowly down my cheeks.

"It's going to be okay, Swan. Everything is going to be fine," he says. I know it's not true, but it calms me down. I don't want to lose the one person who's stood by me.

"You head inside, I'm just gonna wash my face," I say. He nods and turns to heads inside. "Wait," I say.

"What is it, love?"

I hesitate a moment, then shake out of my daze.

"Kiss me?"

Killian smiles and walks back over to me, pressing his lips gently against mine. I feel my body relax and I melt into his arms. Pulling me back into his embrace, I look up into his sparkling blue eyes and smile sadly.

"How did I get so lucky and unlucky at the same time?" I ask. He laughs lightly and plants a soft kiss on my forehead before sending me to wash up, and walking into the office. On my way to the bathroom, I'm stopped by Elizabeth.

"Emma, what's going on? How come you're so upset, and your clinging to Killian like you'll never see him again?"

"Because... I probably won't Eli. Killian's being adopted. For real."

"Oh my gosh, Emma." Elizabeth walks over and gives me a very needed hug.

"Thanks Eli. Now I need to wash up, and head to the office okay?"

"Yeah, I guess. But there's one thing I know for sure. You guys will find a way. True love always finds a way to be together. And of he does get adopted, he'll find you. He will always find you," Elizabeth says.

"True love, huh? Reading a lot of fairytales lately?"

She grins.

"Maybe, but you care about each other, and that's enough to make what I said true. Now go wash up, they're waiting for you." I laugh and head to the bathroom to wash up.

After freshening up, and hopefully erasing any signs that I'd been crying, I pull on a nice white sweater and walk into the office.

"Sorry to keep you all waiting," I say.

"Oh, that's alright, you must be Emma, Killian's girlfriend?" Robin asks.

"Yep, that's me," I answer. I sit on the small couch beside Killian and take his hand. For almost 3 hours, we just go through questions, everyone getting to know each other. Regina and Robin are really nice people. They already have a little boy named Roland apparently.

"Okay, Killian, time for you to come to your home!" Regina says way too happily.

"What?! I thought he was leaving tomorrow?!" I say, upset. I was supposed to have another day with him.

"Nonsense! The lad can come home now!" Robin replies.

"Oh... um, o-okay. Can we, um... can we have a moment please?" I ask, fighting back tears. Tears that were meant to be shed tomorrow. Not today. Not now.

"Of course you can," Marissa says, escorting the couple out of the room, closing the door behind her. I turn to Killian and let the tears flow, falling into his arms.

"I'll see you again, Swan. I promise. I'll come visit."

"How? They live 2 hours from here. 2 hours, Killian, that's really far."

"I'll find a way." I look into his eyes.

"Killian... I'm not a tearful goodbye person... but maybe just this once." I kiss him. Softly, slowly. Because I don't know if I'll ever get to do it again. I pull myself closer to him, until there is no space between us anymore. I hug him tight.

Who's going to be there to stand up for me at school when the bullies come after me?

Who's going to be there to make me laugh when I'm upset and wipe my tears?

"I don't want you to go," I whisper. "I know how selfish that is but I don't want you to go."

"Oh, Emma, I don't want to go either. I'd much rather stay here. I don't even like these people that much."

I hug him tighter. He runs his fingers through my hair and I can't help but let out a little cry. I don't hear Marissa walk in, but I feel her warm hands rubbing my back. Killian's lips find mine, and I cup my hands around his face, kissing him as long as possible.

Suddenly, hands are pulling him away from me, and I stand up, following them. I stand at the door, watching Regina and Robin open the car door. Killian turns back and looks at me with tears in his eyes.

"Wait!" I shout. I sprint down and across the grass to Killian and embrace him in his outstretched arms. Why is this so hard? Why can't I let go?

I keep asking myself, searching for a different answer than the one I've come up with.

I love him. I've loved him for a long time. He holds me close and I whisper in his ear. "I don't care where you go Killian, but I will find you. And I will find a way to be with you. I don't care how young or inexperienced I am, but if I'm not going to see you again, then I want you to know one thing: I love you." Hearing those three words come out of my mouth, I know they are true. They are more than true. "I love you. More than you can ever imagine." I cry into his shoulder.

We've only been dating for a short while, and it might seem quick, but we've known each other our whole lives. I live him.

"Oh Emma, I love you too. I love you so much," Killian says, tears streaming down both of our faces now. Finally letting him go, he walks to the car, leaving me standing there with tears streaking my cheeks. I'm going to be alone again.

Killian's P.O.V:

This isn't right. We've just admitted out love for each other. It can't end like this.

"No," I whisper.

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