Chapter 25: A Talk

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Writer's P.O.V:

It had been a good couple weeks since Killian came home. He and Emma were closer than ever. They were so happy to be back in each other's arms again and were dreading the moment they would have to split apart.

The collage Killian attended was in Drogheda, Ireland where he was studying for arts and theater. It had always been a passion for him, and Emma and the rest of the orphans all knew he had an unarguable talent to sing. While he dreaded leaving Emma to return to school, he had to admit he was excited to see his friends again.

Over the two years of collage he had attended, Killian had made some great friends- Robin, Will, and David. They were idiots, the biggest goofballs you could ever imagine, but they were Killian's best friends.

Emma on the otherhand was having a dilema. While she was happy at the moment, Killian with her and wonderful college choices ahead of her, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness each time she looked at her acceptance letters.

She'd gotten into Berkly, MIT, and NYU, but all of those were so far away from Killian. And none of them fit what she really wanted to study. Emma wanted to study bailbonds. She wanted the leather jackets, the internet searches, the thrill of it all, the whole lot of it. Would she have to give up her dream?

Killian only had two years left of college, after which they would reunite, but neither Emma nor Killian was sure if they could stand not seeing eachother for so long. It was hard enough seeing each other when Emma wasn't in college yet. Killian would visit her on a couple vacations like Christmas and the summer. But with both of them deep into their studies, who knew if their vacation schedules would match up?

Not seeing Killian wasn't the only thing on Emma's mind though. Her best friends, Belle, Ruby, and Mary Margret. She would be away from them too. They'd grown to be so much more than friends to her over the years, more like the sisters she never had. She couldn't have survived highschool without them, and she really didn't want to face college without them either.

And so Emma Swan sat in her bed two weeks into summer vacation with Killian snoring softly by her side, and three acceptance letters in her hands.

She was anxious.

For there was one letter that had not yet arrived.

One letter that would change everything forever.

And so she anxiously awaited day by day for that letter to arrive, and tell her. Tell her what her future would look like.

But for now, she sat in her bed. The love of her life be side her, the curtains drawn open so sunlight poured into the room.

She was 18 years old now, Killian 20. The two of them would celebrate their brithday on the same day, October 23rd, but they wouldn't be together. They'd be apart, in their separate schools.

It saddened Emma that they wouldn't be spending their birthday together that year.

And that's when it occured to her.

That's when it all came back to her.

The birthday party they shared so many years back.... the day Killian gave her the necklace that she wore every day- the one that symbolized their relationship.

The gift she gave him.

The papers.

Emma's P.O.V:

"Oh my gosh," I whisper as it all hits me. Killian never found his brother or his dad. I found those papers, the reocords, and I gave them to him on his birthday but he got all caught up in school and never found them. He never found his family.

"Killian. Killian baby wake up," I say quietly, shaking his shoulders gently.

He groans and rolls over.

"It's bloody seven in the morning Swan, five more minutes," he groans.

"Killian it's important," I plead rolling him over to face me.

He sighs, allowing a smile to come of his face.

"How can I say no to those eyes?" he says, pulling my down into his arms.

I swear he's like a human heater.

I giggle, kissing his nose lightly.

"Now are you going to tell me what's made you wake me at this ghastly time of day?" Killian asks dramatically with a smirk.

I smile widely.

"I have a summer project. And I think you're gonna like it."

*   *   *

"Let me get this straight. You want to go through with the brithday present that I never managed to get to years ago, and find my brother and father who may or may not exist?" Killian asks after I explain.

"Pretty much. Killian... my whole life, I've wanted to be a bailbonds person, you know that. This could be good practice for me. It could help me see if it really is the right path for me. I'm going to find your family. No matter what. I'll track them down. You might not be convinced that they're out there but I am, and I'm not gonna stop until I find them," I tell him.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" Killian asks, shaking his head.

"Yeah, but I wouldn't mind if you said it again," I say with a grin. He smiles rubbing my cheek gently with his thumb.

"Well, I love you more than words can portray. You're bloody fantastic Swan," he whispers, resting his forehead on my own. "Have you picked your collage yet?" he asks changing the topic. I sigh, pulling out of his arms and sitting up. I pick up the letters and stare at them for a moment. I'm not sure how to answer.

"Don't get me wrong, these are all absolutely amazing schools and it's so great that I got into them, but they aren't what I want. None of them have any education in the path I want to take. I mean sure maybe I'll like one, and I could probably find a new dream, but I mean what can I do? I'm still waiting on one letter that could change everything but I don't think it's coming. I've been waiting so long and-"

"Emma. You're overthinking things. The letter will come when the time is right. I know you, and I know you'll choose the right one. There are a lot of maybes and probablies but I've learned to trust yours. You'll make the right choice," Killian says, rubbing my shoulders. I sigh, sinking into his touch.

"Now, how about that summer project?" Killian asks looking down into my eyes. I beam at him.

"I love you," I say, sinking back into his arms, letting his warmth envelop me.

Like I said,

he's a human heater.

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