Chapter 14: Why?

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Emma's P.O.V:

I burst into the house ignoring Marissa's pleas for me to talk to her.

"Go away, you wouldn't understand!"

I shut out Marissa's words. I shut out the world. I love myself in my room and ignore her pounding on the door. My window opens and into my room steps the last person I want to see right now.


With a thick history textbook.

Holy shit, somebody help me.

Before I can scream he smashes the book against my head and with a thud I fall to the ground and groan.

I hear Neal threatening to hurt me if I don't come with him. I hear Marissa calling to me and Neal asking about her her, threatening her now.

"No! Please, don't hurt me. Or her! She's just the caretaker of this foster home. Please, I"ll go with you, just don't hurt me and leave her alone. I'm sorry, I should have just broken up wth Killian and gone with you the first place. I'm sorry okay? Just don't hurt Marissa," I say.

"Emma?!?! Open the door!!" Marissa shouts, pounding against it.

"So help me Emma if you open that door I will kill this 'marissa' that you speak of. Now get up you son of a bitch or I'll make you!!" shouts Neal.

I let Neal drag me by my hair resisting the urge to yell out in pain. He tugs at me pulling me towards the window. He wouldn't...

He would.

And he does.

He pushes me out and I don't expect it.

If he wants to be with me so bad, why the hell is doing this...

I see Neal jump out the window after me, but he skirts onto the roof and climbs down, leaving me to fall to my fate.

I hit the ground.

And I black out.

But why?!

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