C H A P T E R 4

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Song Ahri's Pov

im in the passenger seat of mr.byun's car.. we are now going to his house..

"why are we staying in your house instead of your dorm?" i asked.

"we all have different appointments and projects. my work is only 2 blocks away from my house so i decided to move and stay there until i finish my promotion." he said not looking at me. ofcourse hes driving..

"oh i see." i nodded.


Baekhyun's Pov

i look at her.. shes sleeping... she's so pretty.. i cant stop myself looking at her.. but im driving so i focused on the road..

after 20minutes we have arrive at my house.. i wake her up and tell her that were here.

"wow. your house is quiet big." she said and enter the front door.

"do you have maids here?" she asked.

"no. if i have , then why do i need to force you to be my p.a?" i said as i pick up all of her bags to her room..

"i'll look around first then youll show me my room" she said

"wow you speak like your my boss here" i grinned.

"tss whatever." she said and go to the garden.

i go to my room and took a bath.. do you want to know how i convinced her parents to agree with my plans?

the company where her parents work is owned by my parents.. so i told my parents to talk to them and they quickly say yes to my plan.. i thought it was hard but no.. its easy..

after i took a bath , i showed her her room..

"ew? whats this mr.byun? pink walls full of exo's poster and a big one poster of your face?" she said full of disgust.

"dont like it?" i asked.

"yes mister! i am not even your fan oh geez!! ill remove it!" she said in irritated voice

"no you wont. unless youll be fired"

"ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she scream!

ugh! this girl she can damage my eardrums!

"stop screaming! scream more and youll go home by walking with no shoes!" she quickly shut her mouth.

"ok,organize you things and ill cook lunch.. i have an appointment later.. you stay here.. ill go by 6pm and ill back at 10pm"

her eyes widened "what? ill be here alone in 4hours?"

"ya! stop shouting!! youre so loud!"

"tss. ok , cook now im hungry!"

i shut her door and go to the kitchen and cook.


Song Ahri's Pov

its 5:30pm now.. im in the living room watching tv.. he suddenly showed up..

oh geez! hes handsome as fck! those lips!! ugh! no! stop thinking like that ahri!

"hey!? im leaving." he said

"go! drive safely.." i said while looking at the tv.. i dont want to look at him.. hes too handsome..

when he's finally gone.. i run to his room..

wow! the bedroom is neat and clean.

things are well organized.. he has a lot of eyeliners. i lay down to his bed.. wow,so comfortable...

and i realize that i want to sleep..

i feel the bed tilted.. i open my eyes and i saw him beside me.. leaning his back on the headboard.

"uhh,what time is it? did you eat already?" i asked him

"yea. its 10:30pm.. you slept so long.. how will you sleep later?" he asked me as if he's concern.

"its ok , dont mind me.. uhm.. ill go to my room.. goodnight" i said.

"no. stay here.. sleep here.. i want you to sleep here"

"what? are you crazy?"

"no.. just stay here please?"

"ok.. dont you dare rape me"

"what? youre too ugly.. why would i do that? plus youre too skinny.. you should eat a lot of foods!"

"shut up! im sleeping!"

"ok then goodnight"


and that was my first night with him....


(a/n: i know that this chapter is boring.. mianhae.. i dont feel well so yea.. i just want to say that i will be updating 2-3times a day.. so i hope youll support this story and me also. this is my second fanfic.. you can read my first fanfic also.. so thats all. saranghaeyo!!!!~)

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