C H A P T E R 24 (part2)

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Third person's Pov

Its been 6months since ahri and kris got into a relationship again.

Kris' parents knows about ahri's pregnancy and they accepted it even if it wasnt kris' child.

Today is ahri's 7month of pregnancy. They are scheduled today for an ultrasound.
Ahri cant describe what she feels. She gotten so fat but is still pretty. Kris' mom took a good care of her. Her parent's and jihyo visits her every month.

As of baekhyun , he's still searching for ahri. He didnt get a chance to talk with ahri's parents because they both have a super busy schedule.

"im so excited to know what my baby's gender is" ahri said to kris and giggled.

"me too jagiya." kris replied as he assisted her to lay on the hospital bed to start the ultrasound.

"hmmm. Do you see this mrs?" the doctor asks as she pointed something on the screen

"yes. But what is it?" ahri asked

"this means that your baby is a girl. But do you see this too?" the doctor asked again as she pointed on something again

"yes. Ahm , whats that?"

"this means you have another baby. You have twins. And the other one is a baby boy. Congratulations mr. And mrs. You have a baby boy and girl." she exclaimed and smiled at them as the couple smiled to each other.

Ahri's pov

"look at this hon , i like this baby dress for our baby girl" i said and stared at the dress i saw

"isnt that too big?" kris' said

"youre right. This is for a 1yearold baby. Okay , i guess this is enough. Lets go to the cashier. I wanna go home already" i said and yawned.

When we arrived at my house. Kris assists me to go at the bathroom.

I cant deny how big i am rightnow. My babies are always hungry :3

I took a bath and changed my maternal dress.

"jagi~~ come here! Im sleepy~" i said and lied down on my bed as kris' sat on my side.

"ahri , do you have any plans of telling this to byun?" he asks

"yes i do. But , not now. I am not yet prepared." sighs.

"okay." he said and hugged me.

"im sorry yifan. Im sorry if i brought you a big problem and----"

"sshhh. Dont be sorry. I love you , i'll do everything for you."

Youre so kind yifan. How will i repay you?
So , how was it? Lame again? T^T


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