C H A P T E R 20

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Ahri's Pov

It was 10am when i woke up. Ugh i over slept... That 'DeathBell' movie didnt allow me to sleep in time. I watched alone and i puked after i saw how the students died.. But infairness , they did a good job about it. Must watch guys! (i think its 2013 movie.. Its been a long time since i watched it tho xD -Author)

After i fixed myself. I go down to the kitchen to cook my Brunch.

I opened the fridge and get some fresh milk and some fruits.

Okay , apple and milk is my brunch for today.

I was thinking about cooking but im too lazy and im getting late for my appointment.

I am going to my shop. Yes , i already have a shop here in L.A..

Its a Coffee shop and bake shop at the same time.

I hopped in my car and drove away to my coffee shop.

Im Late :( .. Oh gosh its a coffee shop ofcourse it has to be opened early in the morning but since i have the key , it opened late today..

"Good morning ma'am" Lyra and Brian said.

Lyra and brian is my workers here. I decided not to get a lot of helpers here since its only a cafe , its not too big to handle. But im planning to get a manager that'll manage this since im planning to open a boutique too.. And i also need a baker .. Ugh i cant bake alone because im getting tired easily..

"im sorry im late... Brian heres the key , can you open the shop please?" i said and hand him the keys.

As soon as we entered the cafe , i felt relaxed because of the aura that our cafe's design gives.

Paradise Cafe its my cafe's name. My cafe can be everyones sanctuary. Students can review or study their notes here because it has second floor ..

Floor one is decorated by Flowers such as blue and pink roses.. I choosed them instead of red because blue and pink can give light aura to my cafe..
Couches and coffee tables are placed too. I also have chairs and table for the others and stools at the counter.

In floor two , it was full of couches and coffee tables. It also has bookshelves because as what i've said , its also for students. The floor is covered with soft carpets clored with blue and pink too so the students will be comfortable while they stay here.

If youre asking me why am i so concerned about the students.

First , my cafe is near from the school. Second , i didnt enrolled for college this year because i got pregnant 4months ago.

Im turning 20 and i got all the papers i need for this business and i also studied business management , cooking , baking and other stuffs before when i was 17 because this is my dream so i didnt get much problems wheni build my business.

I planned this years ago for myself. But when i got pregnant , i thought that this will be a big help for me since i cant always ask my parents for anything but hell happens anytime.. My baby is gone now.

Aish! Why am i thinking about that again?

I was in the middle of baking cupcakes when i felt the diziness again.

"mam , are you alright?" lyra said as she held my shoulders

"uhmm.. Its weird , im dizy.. Maybe its because i didnt ate rice earlier. Im okay lyra , but can you finish this? I'll be on the counter."

"okay mam. Careful" she said as she assists me to the counter

Many customers have arrived and many orders are in the line up.

Ugh. My head aches , my belly pains too.

"Lyra!? I'll be going to rest room. Take care of the counter" i said and quickly run to the restroom

As soon as i get in , i throwed up on the sink.

Geez i hate this.

After i washed my face , i entered one cubicle and sat on the bowl.

I was about to pee when i saw bloodstains in my underwear.


I quickly dialed kris' number and told him to come over.

In just 15minutes , he arrived and drove me to the nearest hospital.

"doc , how was it? Is she alright?" kris asked the doctor

The doctor smiled and looked at us.

"congratulations Mr. And Mrs. , youre having a baby" she said

"what?" i asked in shocked

"youre a month pregnant miss. You just had bleedings , thats normal. But be careful next time. I'll set your schedule for check ups. And please , dont skip meals and have plenty of sleep okay? I'll excuse myself then" she said and walked away to see other patients.

Kris drove me home.

He didnt spoke since the doctor told us the shocking news.

I dont know if i should be happy because i'll be having another baby again but i feel guilt when im looking on kris' eyes.

As soon as we entered our house , i immediately grab his hands

"kris... Im sorry...." i said tearing up.

"dont be.. Im not mad.. Im happy , promise.. Im just thinking of how should we told mom and dad about that?" said kris and hugged me.

"what should we do?" i asked.

"i dont know but for now , rest and sleep huh? I'll be back later evening." he said and kissed my forehead then left.

How would i repay you kris? Im still inlove with baekhyun. What should i do?

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