Rest your love-the vamps

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Chapter 4: Rest Your Love- The Vamps
A/N-any songs or poems Lyra sings or writes will be in this font in bold like this a/n

I see you move so I do understand
Why you get attention
I hear you talk but I don't comprehend
Why I get no mention

And you know, you know where to find me
Yeah you know where to go when you're looking for love
And you know, you know where I'm hiding
Yeah you know, yeah you know

"AHHHH!!!" I let out a strange scream, startled from sleep by my alarm clock.

'Great,' I thought, 'another day of the place we call hell; school.' I got up as slow as a snail and dressed in light blue shorts, and a long sleeve crop top with flats, then styled my hair (In the picture above). Next I did my makeup, which was a bit of mascara and light eyeliner.

Looking at the time I realized I needed to go so I grabbed my bag, an apple, then rushed out the door. Just as I got to the bus stop the bus arrived, I quickly got on and sat in an empty seat, pulling out my poetry book and started to write a new poem.

Music & Nightmares

Light dances in the mirror darkness creeps across the street

Music puts my mind at ease as the moon tries to put me to sleep

Nightmares stain my mind as I try to clutch my dreams so tight.

Dime in a Crowd

Lost in time, stuck in doubt,

I think I'm fine but I'm really freaking out

Considering who's right,

considering who's wrong, who's telling me the truth.

But I'm just a dime, just a dime lost in a crowd,

Pretending I'm bright and strong, standing tall and proud.

Fire ignites in my eyes, dancing throughout my soul,

Embers dance along the edges,

Cracks and crevices of the world.

"Hey what's that?" I heard someone ask.

Startled, I quickly slammed the book shut and looked up to see who it was; it was Luke.

"Oh hey Luke, it was nothing." I replied shyly. He just nodded while having the look of disappointment on his face.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I just, well I, uh, I do-don't really know you so I'm not really ready to show you."

Luke gave another nod saying he understood, giving me a warm, gentle smile.

That when the stars go out
You can rest your love on me
And when the world gets loud
Baby you can rest your love on me
When the stars go out
You can rest your love on me
And when the world gets loud
Baby you can rest your love on me

Lukes pov

I nodded in understandment to what Lyra had just said. I already read a bit of what she was writing, and it was really good from what I could tell. I turned to her again, about to ask her something but she had put her earbuds in so I didn't bother. Soon enough we got to school and she went and raced to her locker, 'Maybe she felt awkward.'

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