Simply Pop-tastic!!!!!

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Complaint #5-Simply Pop-tastic!!!!!

I'm a full-blooded music lover, okay? My Mum's an elementrary music teacher, my Dad, before getting severely throat and hurting his vocal chords somewhat, was an avid singer in a choir-My parents love music, and so do I.

However, recently I've found that, in the car, it's better if I bring along a CD rather then listen to the radio.


Because, unlike a big percentage of teenage girls, I'm not a fan of the stuff that's popular and playing right now on most of the stations my sister and I used to enjoy. Well, she does-I don't. Sometimes they play good music, though often that's not the case.

Carly Rae Jepsen.

Katy Perry.

Justin Bieber.

One Direction.


{A/N;; I do not necessarily hate the listed artists above, I'm just not a big fan, either.}

While I'd never hate on music or someone's taste-To each his own-I just have to let loose some steam about it.

Rant #5-Stupid, stupid, stupid pop lovey-dovey sugary sweet songs about love.


Like I already said, I would never purposely make fun of a person, just because they liked that kind of stuff. But hey, this is life, and it doesn't always go the way we'd like it to. For example, if the world were perfect in my eyes, makeup and plastic surgery would be outlawed, everyone would have a lot of self-confidence, rock music would be the most popular genre of music, and pink would be outlawed as well.

But hey, again, not everything's just as we'd like it.

I used to enjoy pop, surprisingly enough-The songs, despite being just as happy and optimistic as today's are, they actually held meaning. Dear Justin Bieber-No offense, kid, but you can cool it with the love songs. Dear One Direction-While you're all top-notch lads, why on Earth make an entire song about how you can't even remember the name of a stupid song? Dear Britney Spears-I love you, girl, at least your songs make a bit of sense.

Britney Spears is, perhaps, the only poppish star I'm okay with hearing, and that's because she's got such a flipping awesome personality, as well as voice. I've yet to hear anyone like her, she's one a kind, yo!

Alright, no more 'yo'ing, I'm no hipster, nor a gangster. I'm to geeky for that.

There's just so...Many...Love songs! And they all start to sound the same after the first few, which just makes it even worse. Even Taylor Swift went over to the dark side, for pete's sake-What's this world coming to? By the way, who ever came up with the goat remix thing for a few of her songs-Genius. Someone get this guy a medal.

Back to the topic that I keep straying from due to my problem with getting off topic. Yup.

A thing my Mum pointed out the other day-She's not a fan of pop love shit either, by the way-made me want to hug her right then and there, even though 1-I don't do hugs, and 2-She was currently driving, and I'd probably make her go right off the road. "What the hell is up with music these days? It's all about sex, drugs and whining about guys not liking your plastic, make-up covered face. It just sickens me!"

{I didn't bother to tell her that NO ONE used the word 'sickens' anymore, just because I was so pleased with her view on current pop.}

Number One example of bad music, especially the people behind it-Miley Cyrus, 'We Cant Stop.' Need I even go into detail for this one? I mean, come on-Where's that sweet, innocent girl from Hannah Montana who sang The Climb and Party In The USA? No wonder she can't keep a boyfriend...Honestly, with that new hairstyle of hers, she looks like some humanified/girlified Tweety bird or something.

Number Two example-Cher Lloyd, Want U Back. Cher is a lovely girl, and I absolutely loved hearing her X Factor auditions and such, but this song just kills me. In the end, all this song is about is a jealous ex who's wishing she hadn't broken up with her boyfriend, and is resorting to putting her ex's current girl down, just to try and what? Impress him? Yeah, no.

Cher, I do love you. Don't kill me.

I also love Robert Downey Jr., just saying. Yeah...So he's maybe three to four times older then me. Problem?

Lipstick needs to go die,


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