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Complaint #3-#No

I didn't know this site was secretly Tumblr...

Oh, it's not?

When I say that, I don't necessarily mean Wattpad, per say, though I've certainly seen it here.

Okay, so for all of you Tumblr peeps, one of which I am not...Hashtags are used a lot, no? I mean, there's a 'trending topics' bar and everything, which usually has words or phrases mashed together, led by the legendary hashtag.

But that's a Tumblr thing. So why is it on every other social site, networking and not? It's just...So...ANNOYING!

Rant #3-Hashtags and why they need to DIE.


This post will be quite short, I'm expecting, because while I hate this particular sort of thing with all of my might, there's only so much I can say before someone reports me for barfing to much of my mental shit everywhere on this particular book or whatever you want to call it.

So-Hashtags. As far as I know, no one really used them a lot before Tumblr rolled around-In fact, it was pretty much a useless key. Whoever invented the hashtag symbol must've gotten a lot of heck about it.

"Oi, Mr. Hashtag guy! Why on Earth would you create such a fabulous looking yet useless keyboard key? All it does is taunt me, sitting right above that three like it has some purpose! You're putting me through torture, sir! Torture!"


But honestly, whoever came up with Tumblr and the whole let's-actually-use-that-damn-hashtag thing needs a pat on the back.

And whoever thought it would be smart to incorporate it in places where it is hardly necessary, such as FaceBook and even Wattpad, the godliest site on the planet?

Nope, nada, no pat on the back for you.

Knowing me and my weird habits and annoyances, I'm VERY sure next to no one agrees with me on this fact, but honestly, I don't care. I find it annoying, therefore, I shall write about it. Period.

I was trollin' on FaceBook one day, acting like a true stalker-On my own home page, of course-When I came across it. Why I'd befriended this girl, I have no idea, but she was certainly not one of my close friends-Hell, she's one of those popular girls. You know, the ones that pants themselves regularly whilst standing in the middle of the guy's bathrooms. Yeah, those.

My younger FaceBook self was so stupid, and my present FaceBook self is stupid for not just unfriending the stupid bitch and ending it there. But that's not the point.

She'd posted a selfie of herself-Again-And had put some description to it. Feeling nosy for once, I clicked the description to get the full flipping PARAGRAPH of it, only to click away in disgust a few moments later. You know why?

Because only one sentence of that paragraph was actually real words-One of those stupid 'I pretend I'm depressed and need a boyfriend to survive when honestly all I want to do is hump and dump him.' quotes. The rest of that paragraph? Stupid, meaningless hashtags.

#sad #sadgirl# #fb #selfie #notpretty And it just went on...And on...And on....And ON! It was TORTURE, I tell you, hence why I gladly ditched that particular post almost immediately.

And on that note...

Another stupid hashtag-related annoyance.

Repetitive hashtags.

I don't have a Tumblr myself, but was scrolling through a particular hilarious Tumblr page, and was just having a good time being lazy. There was one picture that stood out, and while it made me just about die from laughter, the hashtags made me die from the finger gun I made out of three fingers on my right hand and pretended to shoot myself with.

#funny #funnygirl# #girl #girlfunny #fun #girlfun #fungirl

No! Just...No! You don't do that! It's completely idiotic and useless, alright? All you're doing is repeating yourself through the hashtags and making yourself look like a complete, utter idiot.

On that note...I think that's about all I have to say without it turning R-rated quite fast from my references as well as extremely violent wishes. So, I'm capping it here-Feel free to wail and lament, but I could care less.

Mashed Chicken,


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