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Complaint #4-OMG IKR LYLAS LOL!!!

I text my friends on a regular basis-Well, I used to, anyway.

{Again, RIP, iPod.}

Now, I love my friends to death, despite the fact that many of them are polar opposites of the little disturbed freak that I am, but that's not the point. The point is how they replied to my well thought out, correctly typed, grammar-perfect texts.

'IKR!? He, like, totes luvs u! OMG, todayy I totally LOLed when Mr. Blah turned Amy Nobody upside down! It was like totes funny n amy was like all red n stuff anyway I'll c u 2morrow grl!'

Besides the obvious spelling mistakes, what was the one thing you noticed kept popping up? Exactly-The text talk.

 Rant #4-Text talk and how it's destroying my life.


Okay, so call me an 'old grandma lady who hasn't fully grasped the modern tech world,' but I absolutely HATE text talk. Whenever I used to text, I made sure to stray as far as I could from those dreaded things-Dare I even call them abbreviations?

Sure, they make it easier on those lazy asses who can't be bothered to spell out whole words-After all, why spend all that time typing out 'Oh my gosh' when you can just write 'OMG?'

That, my friends, was sarcasm, by the way. Well, my nonexistent friends. Friends? Who needs friends when you have a handy dandy MacBook?


Not to be rude, but I think that a good deal of my generation is going straight down the toilet as soon as they graduate, if not sooner. I know people that not only text that way, but write and type papers like that-Um, excuse me, but life doesn't work that way.

In a few years, when you're handing a job recruiter your resume, what do you think he'll do if all he sees are 'OMG's and 'T2TH' and shit like that? Exactly-He'll get you out of the room faster then you can say 'Cheeseballs,' and that's the only food you'll be able to afford, because you won't have a job, just because you digressed your own spelling by text talking your way through life.

That, my friends, is your future if you know more about text abbrieviations then you do about your multiplication table. Cheeseballs and your parent's basement. Guareenteed to make your life a huge, total, inevitable flop.

Now, don't get me wrong-I'm not requesting for all forms of text talk to adruptly head straight for the trash, I'm just saying, tone it down a bit, will you? I can't even read texts like that anymore, they're so crowded with abbrieviations that I can't tell what they mean, or even what they might mean.

Call me grandma, but I won't care-I'll just nickname you whippersnapper, and that'll be all I'll do.

Oh, and do you want to know why I think it's my generation that's headed for the dumps? At least, most of them, anyway. Some people are on board with me.

It's because we're the ones growing up around these devices, all this technology. FaceBook, Twitter, Tumblr, text talk, *cough cough* naughty pictures, *cough cough* there's all this stuff we're aware and smart about that's involved with technology, and it's wrenching our attention away from the real world.

Then again, I guess I'm a bit of a hypocrite when that comes into play-I spend quite a bit of time online, after all. However, I'd like to think I'm not that bad-Definitely not the worst out of them, seeing as text talk might as be banned by the freaking president or something when it comes to my own mind.

Well, that's it.

Bye bye.

Turtle babies,


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