Chapter 16

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Anabell's P.O.V.

Walking hand in hand with Charlie and Amber, we made our way to the kitchen. None of us knew what to expect, but I was positive I would get answers. One way or another, I would find out the truth.

When we entered the kitchen, my dad and their moms were talking to one another. I looked at Charlie, asking for help. Neither of us knew how to bring up the subject. Amber saw this and immediately said, "Ok, we want answers and we want them now!"

"What on earth are you talking about," her mother replied.

As if it was obvious," Amber said, "I guarantee it is not a coincidence that Anabell and Charlie are the same age with the same birthday and only a minute apart. They both started school later than usual and Charlie never knew his dad..."

"Charlie's father went missing when he was a child!" Ms. Rydel replied.

"Really, do you still believe that. I am positive you know exactly who his father is. And they both have a right to know. So stop lying and start talking."

All three of them exchanged glances, then looked at us.

"We can't tell them," Ms. Rydel said, too low for the kids to hear.

"We have to, like Amber said, they have a right to know.," my father replied.

"What, if they're not ready?" questioned Mrs. Philmore.

"For heaven's sake! They are 15 years old. How is that not old enough!" my dad screamed, not caring who heard.

All this commotion caused Molly and Michael to walk in and see what was happening. They didn't say anything, just waited to see what would happen next.

Ms. Rydel and Mrs. Philmore stayed silent.

"Fine, if you two won't tell them, I will. And you can stop me from telling Amber, but not my kids!" my father yelled.

Neither of them replied, so my dad took that as a sign meaning he could tell us.

"Let's go into the family room and I'll explain everything," he said, calmer than he had been a second ago. Following my dad the three of us entered the family room. Close behind were Molly and Michael, and the two moms.

Amber, Anabell, and Charlie took the couch, while my dad sat in the chair to the side of them and Mrs. Philmore and Mrs. Jackson took the love seat across from it. Molly and Michael sat on the floor in anticipation.

"Ok, let's start from when you were born. You two," he gestured toward Charlie and Anabell, "are twins. I'm your biological father and Tammy  is your biological mother. We got together when we were really young. It was an arranged marriage. They wanted to own buisness together and what better way to become a family then by their children getting married to each other. We were never truly in love, but our parents were pressuring us to have children. So a year later, we had you two. But things weren't working out, and we both knew it. We ended up getting a divorce and moving apart. We decided that we would split the two of you up since you were too young to know. Well, obviously, I took Anabell and your mother got Charlie. Tammy changed hers and Charlie's names back to her maiden name which was Rydel."

Tammy started talking next. "I met this guy when we first got to New Jersey. Since Charlie was so young I was able to convince people that he was his biological father. We never got married but were engaged. He really did go missing. They found him a couple years later, dead in a valley. I was devastated so every time Charlie asked about the guy in the picture I told him that it was his father and he had gone missing and was never found. I honestly couldn't tell you what your father had been doing in his time away--"

My dad cut her off and said, "I stayed here with Anabell. A couple months after, I met Mrs. Jackson, your step-mom, Anabell, and we fell in love. A year after we met, we had gotten married and were living our happy ever after. I raised Anabell and played it off that Mrs. Jackson was her real mom. Once we had the twins, they looked enough like Anabell that it was believable. A few years later we got a divorce. When we went to court, Anabell said she wanted to stay with Mrs. Jackson because you honestly believed it was your real mom. The judge, your step-mother, and I all knew she wasn't your biological mother, but you were positive you wanted live with her. So I got Molly and Michael and we agreed to leave you with her. That is how you ended up with your step-mother and Carter."

Charlie and I were out of words. What were we supposed to say to something like that. I felt Charlie squeeze my hand and  I looked at him. His face gave it all away. It read perfectly, 'Was it what you wanted to hear?' I shook my head no but only us two knew what it meant. But there was one question playing throughout my mind.

"Why did you come back," I asked Tammy.

Tammy looked down at the floor ashamed while Charlie tensed up. It was my turn to squeeze his hand.

 "I was struggling, trying to make things work. But I just couldn't keep doing it the way I was. This wasn't my first option. I didn't want to come back to my past. But I knew my parents wouldn't help. They cut off all connection the day I got my divorce. I knew I had friends here. I knew they would help out, so reluctantly, I came back."

It was Amber's turn to speak. "Wait, what do you mean by help out. Are you going to be staying here, as in my house?" She looked between Charlie, Tammy and her mom.

"Yes, Amber. As in this house. Stop being so rude to our guests," Mrs. Philmore answered her daughter sternly.

"Sorry," she apologized.

I didn't know what to do. I just found out I had a twin brother and that everyone I knew had lied to me. I mean, I wasn't even living with my real mom. I just realized something: my dad knew it was killing me to be without him and he left me to someone who wasn't even my real mother. I felt even more hurt by just that one thought.

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