Tattoo's and Piercings

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Jenny's p.o.v
Next day. I woke up because of my stupid alarm and i had to get ready. So i got up and got ready by putting on my black jeans my converse and my black hoodie with a white t-shirt under. I grabbed my iphone and my jansport backpack. Went i got downstairs i said "good morning mom and edwin" "good morning" they said at the same time. I laughed an grabbed an orange and was on my way outside the door but i felt like i was forgetting something. I just tried to forget about it until i was almost half way to school when i gasped and screamed "lulu" people looked at me weirdly but i didnt care. I ran straight home my mom looked at me weirdly when I grabbed a cup off water and went upstairs. When i got upstairs i threw the cup of water on lulu. She shot out of bed i was laughing so hard. "Hurry up and get ready i was almost half way to school and forgot about you" i said "well you could have woken me up in a nicer way and you better start running when im done getting ready" she said. Since she was almost done putting on her shoes i ran down stairs and out of the house. Almost halfway to school again she almost caught me. We were almost to school with her still chasing me but she was catching up. I entered the school and ran to my locker were the rest of the gang was they looked at me weirdly. I stopped infront of them thinking i lost lulu but i was wrong when she tackles me to the ground infront of the gang. They all gasped and help us up. "What happened" louis says "ok i was on my way to school when i was halfway I remembered I forgot lulu so i went back dumped water on her and she chased me and tackled me" i said. They all laugh "that isnt funny i was so cold when she dumped the water on me" lulu said they laugh even more. And then the bell rings signaling it was time to go to class. We all said bye and went to class first period was with lulu ,louis , and harry. We all sat in the last row halfway through the class I stopped paying attention and also harry so we were passing notes.
( harry) (jenny)
H:hey im bored what is the teacher talking about.
J:i dont know but its super boring since almost the whole class is asleep.
H:true i would be asleep but my beautiful girlfriend that is sitting right next to me is keeping me awake.
J:dude stop your making me blush
H:awwww your so adorable
After that the bell rang i said bye to harry and kissed him on the cheek "i will see during lunch" i said "ok see you later"
Harry's p.o.v
The last few classes were so boring. But now it was lunch time. I was on my way 
When i bumped into a girl."oh god im sorry" i said the girl was beautiful. I helped her pick up her things and said " i am truly sorry would you like to come eat lunch with my friends and i" "sure i would love to and my name is kendall" she said "thats a pretty name for a pretty girl and my names harry" i said. When we got our food and got to the table me and kendall couldn't stop laughing. "Hey guys this is kendall" i said to everyone "hi" they all said. Esme ,val , and lulu pulled me away from the table i was confused. "You better not hurt jenny with that kylie girl" val said "her name is kendall and i wont hurt jenny" I corrected val. They nodded and we all went back inside. "You guys know what i wanna get i want to get a tattoo" i said "we should go to the tattoo thingy so you can get your tattoo and i can get a piercing and redie my hair but the color red" jenny said. "Ok" i said
Jenny's p.o.v
Finally it was the end of the school day i was on my way to harrys locker but i noticed harry and kendall laughing and talking. I went up to them and cleared my throat and they looked at me i said "are you ready to go" "yea lets go bye kendall see you tomorrow" harry said "bye harry" she said. We made our way to harry's car. "So how was the rest of your school day" i said "it was good kendall was in most of my classes" harry said. "What are getting a tattoo of " i said "i dont really know " harry said. We finally left the place and harry ended up getting a rose on his arm and i got a lip piercing and I dyed my hair red it looked so cool even harry agreed(picture at the top). "Harry can i ask you something" i said "sure whatever you want love" harry said "do you like kendall" i asked he stays silent.
A/N:OMG cliffhanger what do you think is gonna happen next!!!!
And sorry it was a short chapter

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