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Jenny's p.o.v

Finally it was the end of the school day i was on my way to harrys locker but i noticed harry and kendall laughing and talking. I went up to them and cleared my throat and they looked at me i said "are you ready to go" "yea lets go bye kendall see you tomorrow" harry said "bye harry" she said in a flirtatious way.We made our way to harry's car. "So how was the rest of your school day" i said "it was good kendall was in most of my classes" harry said i just sighed 'What are getting a tattoo of " i said "i dont really know " harry said. We finally left the place and harry ended up getting a rose on his arm and i got a lip piercing and I dyed my hair red it looked so cool even harry agreed "Harry can i ask you something" i said "sure whatever you want love" harry said "do you like kendall" i asked he stays silent.


I stared at Harry and he laughed and said "oh my god jenny, I would never like a girl like her, she is to uptight and very clingy" . I look down and sigh in relief. He took my hands into his and said "she is nothing compared to you." he kissed me on the cheek and we walked towards the car.
::::next day::::
Jenny's P.O.V

The next day i woke up and got ready for school. I woke up lulu by throwing a pillow at her face as always. She wakes up looking like she is about to kill somone. I laugh so hard because she looks hilarious. I go downstairs and grab and apple." Good morning jenny" my mom said walking down the stairs with edwin trailing behind her like a lost puppy I chuckle lightly. " good morning mom and edwin" he muttered a small 'good morning' while rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand obviously still sleepy. Lulu comes walking down the stairs "good morning" she said "good morning sweetie" my mom says "go on or you two will be late to school" she says shooing us out. We laugh and start walking to school. "I heard you were jealous of harry hanging out with that kendall girl" lulu said "i am not and how do you know" i say. "Louis and harry are like best friends and plus louis told me" she says as we get to school and with the rest of the group.
As we walk up to the group i see kendall(why does she have to be here) life sucks doesn't it. "Hey ladies and gents" i say playfully they all laugh and say 'hi' in sync. Except for the one and only kendall but i could care less about what she does or anything. "So what are we doing after school guys" asked kendall she asked happy like if she has known everyone before me it was hilarious when no one answered her. "First of all if we were all going to hang out after school we would never invite somone like you" esme says while glaring at kendall. "Whow shots fired" i say while high fiving esme. And we all laugh because her expression is priceless. "Esme first of all if were to hang out she would 100% be invited to come with us" harry said. While we stare at him in shock. Kendall just smiles happily. "Sure what ever you can invite it" esme said and kendall just glared at her. I tried holding in my laugh. Harry and kendall walked away to there first class. I walked up to esme " nice going my chinchilla buddy" i said " no problem my chinchilla buddy" she said back.
////after school////
So after all we decided to go to a park it was pretty cloudy but we didnt care. And harry decided to bring it. "Why did it have to come" louis whined as if kendall wasnt here. We laughed. Right now we were on our way to the park and louis was giving me a piggy back ride because i got too lazy to walk. "How's the view jenny" louis said " not much of a difference since you are very short " i said while laughing. " you are short so I wouldn't be talking too shorty" he said sassily " that was harsh" i said while the others laugh. We finally got to the park since there was no one there we decided to play tag. " come on harry unless you want to get tagged"i say ."no its ok i will just go sit with kendall under the tree" he say as i frowned slightly and shrugged it off. Right now i was running so liam wouldn't catch me because he was it. He finally caught up to me and grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder while we laughed. Then all of a sudden it started pouring rain all of us except harry and kendall were running around in the rain like crazy people. Until we finally heard someone scream which sounded like a dying horse. We all turned to see kendall dripping wet. Oops i guess I accidentally pushed her into a puddle of water she got up and attacked me. Like literally started pulling my hair and slaping me. All the guys pulled her of off me. "Jenny why would you do that you purposely pushed her into a puddle of water just because you were jealous of her i should have never asked you to be my girlfriend your way to clingy and when you asked if i like kendall i do ok and we are over" harry screamed at me. I started at him shocked as i felt tears pricking my eyes. "Ok" was all i said i slowly started walking home. But before i could fully turn around i could see kendall smiling I was so confused right now if he didnt like me why did he ask me out in the first place. When i got home there was no one home i went straight to the bathroom to clean the cuts she left one my face from scratching me in the face a few times. I always knew kendall was trouble but i always pushed that thought away.
Lulus p.o.v

I couldnt belive it how could he do that we all started at him in disappointment. "Harry remember on the first day back to school how you so eagerly wanted esme nancy and val to talk to jenny for you , you always thought you wouldn't be nothing else but friends but now that you finally have her all you do is keep messing up i dont know what to tell you harry but you can just play with Jenny's feelings like that she is a real human being like all of us" louis said and all of us agreed. While walking away and leaving the happy couple harry and kendall *notice my sarcasm*. When i got home i could hear jenny crying while listening to music so loud so you wouldn't be able to hear her but i could still hear her. I walked next door and knocked on the door but no one answered. I then noticed it was unlocked so i went up to harrys room when I opened the door you wouldn't belive what i saw.
A/N:sorry for not updating in a while

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