Your Passion

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Allison: Your passion is.....volleyball!!! You have been playing since you were in 4th grade

Lydia: Your passion!!! You love it for different reasons but the main reason is that when your mom died it was your escape from the pain

Erica: Your passion is.....dancing!!! Everyone in your family had a hobby Derek had basketball and you had dancing. When the fire happened Derek stopped, but you continued to dance (video at top was when she first saw you dance)

Cora: Your passion is....singing!!!! She didn't find out until she saw your acceptance letter from Juilliard she forced you to sing for her

Malia: Your passion is....kickboxing!!! When you were younger you got bullied a lot so you wanted to take kickboxing. You instantly fell in love with it

Kira: Your passion is....running!!! You loved running since you were able to walk. You were 10 when you really had a passion for it

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