Treat You Better

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Lately you and your girlfriend Y/G/N have been having problems. You guys have been distant, the only time you talk to each other is to argue about irrelevant things. Mostly about your best friend Malia.
(Y/G/N) never liked her especially when you two started dating. She always thinks you are cheating on her. When you try to explain that she is being ridiculous she gets mad and it turns into a full blown argument which ends up with her walking out on you and you crying for the rest of the night.

Everyone tells you that she is no good for you, they think she is bad news. You know she is too but you love her and you just can't let her go. You guys are childhood sweethearts.

"(Y/N) where's the popcorn?" Malia says from the other room. Today is you guys' movie night. "It's in the cupboard above the microwave" you say picking out a

A few hours had past and after the movie you two were just talking about any and everything.

"...I mean she isn't that pretty" Malia said shrugging her shoulders. You were looking at her like she had grown two heads. "WHAT!? How dare you say that Selena Gomez isn't pretty " You looked at her in disgust.

She chuckled, "I'm sorry but she just isn't that pretty to me. You on the other hand, you are gorgeous" she said with a smile. It wasn't a secret that Malia had liked you, hell she asked you out in front of (Y/G/N)
before hence one of the reasons why she doesn't like her.
"Malia you know I can't-" you start to say but then you are cut off . "Yes you can Y/N! You deserve someone that can treat better than her" Malia says raising her voice.

"I know I do but I can't bring myself to leave her. I love her too much. She is my everything. I'm sorry Malia " you state getting up and getting your stuff. "I think it's time for me to go see you later" "Y/N wait-" she is cut off with the closing of the door.
Time Skip

You are at (Y/G/N) house when you see an unfamiliar car in the drive way. You look at it in confusion but shake it off and walk inside. You soon make it up to her room to hear voices.

"That was amazing babe" you heard a unfamiliar male voice and your heart dropped.
" Yea it was we have to do this again definitely " you girlfriend said with a seductive tone. "Oh really" you said bitterly and they both jumped in surprise

"Y/N!!" (Y/G/N) said shocked "Its not-"
"I swear if you say it's not what it looks like I swear I will punch you in the fucking throat" you said with venom in your voice.
She instantly shut up

"You know what fuck you! You are constantly on me for hanging out with Malia but look at you! I loved you" you said getting more angry and sad each word.

You stormed out of the house despite her protests.
"What do you want- wait Y/N what happened" Malia said

"She...she cheated on me" you said tears spilling from your eyes. She immediately wrapped you in a hug saying it was okay
Saying that she will always be there.

"I will treat you better. Better than she can"

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