Tuesdays (Allison)

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Ok first off let me start by saying sorry I haven't updated. It's been forever. And secondly this imagine is dedicated to brendonurieschildren hope you enjoy!!!


Imagine: Babysitting with Allison

(Your not family with any one in the pack for this imagine)

Before reading if you get any of the references you are my new best friend :)

Tuesday...the day you were dreading the most out of this week. Not that you don't like Tuesdays, if it was any other Tuesday, you would have been ok. But today wasn't any other Tuesday.

Your older sister and mother were going out of town for a week and your sister needed someone to babysit her two twin sons. It just so happened you had no school that week. Your mother of course told your sister that you were off of school and can start babysitting them on Tuesday.

To say you were mad would be an understatement. You were furious.

Your sister and mom gets to travel to New York while you're stuck with the terror twins.

You were knocked out of your thoughts when you heard a loud crash from the kitchen. You immediately had two 7 years running up to you trying to blame one another for that loud crash.

"Fucking Tuesdays"


After two hours of pure torture, you couldn't take it anymore and called Allison.

Hey Allison

Hey Y/N, um... what's that in the background?

Don't worry about it. Hey, can you come over, today, like right now please!

Um....Sure I'm on my way. See you soon bye

Thanks Thanks Thanks! Bye


Finally, after the longest 20 minutes EVER, you see Allison's car pulling up in the drive way.

You have never ran so fast in your life. As soon as she stepped out of the car you tackled her and kissed her on the cheeks repeatedly.

"Oh my God! Thank you thank you thank you you are a life saver! " You said in between kisses.

She giggled and looked at you like you were crazy. "What's wrong with you"

Your smile immediately turned into a frown as you heard another crash coming from the house.

"Them" you said with venom lacing your voice. Out of the corner of your eye you see Allison's eyes widen.


"Wow" Ali said plopping on to the couch looking a mess.

In those four hours those two had managed to rip up the cushions in the living room, break ten glass objects, broke the toaster, AND flooded the bathroom!

And that STILL wasn't all they did!

They had dragged Allison through the mud and forgot to put the lid on the blender and you got....whatever they put in that thing all over you.

"Y/N" one of the twins said. "Can we go to Disneyland"

"No, I will not be an accomplice to the murder of Mickey Mouse" you said rolling your eyes.

"Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Plea-" the two started to shout before you cut them off.

"No!" You yelled at them.

They looked at you, then at each other, then back at you with a smirk and ran away.



"Finally!" You said looking at the clock. It was their bed time.

As soon as you and Allison put them to bed you guys went to your room.

"Hey Ali I'm sorry for today" you said.

"Don't worry about it. Even though I got tortured by seven year olds, I got to spend the day with you. It was worth it

You guys continued to talk until you both fell alseep in each others arms. It was peaceful.....until you woke up the next morning.



The End.

I hope you enjoyed it and I'm sorry it took so long.

P. S That's how you woke up

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