Prologue I

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Prologue I

"Any change, even for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts."

-Arnold Bennett

Andrea twirled her long, dark brown hair on her index finger as she sat at lunch. Her friend, Giselle, had just said something funny, causing Andrea to move her hand away as she laughed, almost yanking her hair out in the process. She yelped, which only made the table laugh even more. Her face flushed red when she embarrassed herself in front of Liam, her longtime crush.

His golden blonde hair hung over his long lashes as he looked intently at her. His lashes shadowed his golden brown eyes, making him look even cuter. His tanned skin complimented his toned body, making him look even more like the Texas boy that her was. Today he wore a white polo shirt with dark jean shirts and black Chuck Taylors. He smiled at her, revealing his white and perfect teeth. She flushed red again and looked down, grabbing her sandwich and began to nibble on it once more.

Giselle looked between the two of them before elbowing Andrea's side, causing her to wince. She had to have a permanent bruise there after all the time she had done that. Andrea cast a look at Giselle. Her wavy black hair cascaded down her body, stopping at her waist. Her bangs fell over her right eye, in which she pulled it back behind her ear. Her blue eyes bore into Andrea's eyes, causing her to shrink back. Her paler skin made her Latin heritage seem obsolete and her Irish one more prominent. She shifted her eyes over to Liam and lightly shoved Andrea again, prompting her to talk to him. She shook her head and turned away, once again nibbling on her sandwich.

Nash looked up. "Hey, Liam, what do we do in Social Studies?"

Liam turned to his best friend. "Oh, we have to go over the packet that was homework last night, and if you don't have it finished, you'll have detention."

Nash's dark brown eyes widened. His curly red hair fell over his face as he hung his head. The freckles that danced along his face were evident on his lightly tanned skin. Nash wore a blue cotton tee today, which showed off his slightly toned arms. His jeans were faded, and the sneakers he wore were a black with a dark blue accent. He sighed dramatically before turning to Drake. "Hey, do you have your packet done? I need to borrow it."

Drake glanced up from his school lunch. His cheeks puffed out since he had food in his mouth, which he quickly gulped down. "Sorry man, I didn't do it either." His eyes that looked so alike Nash's shone with sadness, letting Andrea know he was being sincere. His head was shaved into almost a buzz cut and his darker skin poked out through the few places that weren't covered by his hair. His white long sleeved shirt clung to his skin. HIs jeans were dark, and his shoes were a black.

Nash scoffed before turning to Andrea. He didn't say anything, but he did give her his big puppy dog eyes. Most girls melted under the look, Andrea included. Giselle didn't, and she was shocked when she learned Andrea liked Liam and not Nash, seeing as she practically did everything for him. Andrea pulled her bad up from under the table and opened it, pulling out her binder. She was a very OCD person when it came to things in her personal life, such as her backpack or her room. When she found the packet, she handed it over to Nash, who thanked her and then began to copy everything down into his.

Liam turned to her. "You really shouldn't let him copy off you all the time."

Andrea felt her face heat up. "S-sorry, I just like helping people out." She said, her voice getting quieter as she finished her sentence.

"N-no! I didn't mean it as something like- I meant that he should learn to think for himself and mange his time better, that's all." Liam said, his voice shaky.

Giselle chuckled next to her but said nothing. Before Andrea could reply to Liam, the bell rang, signaling that lunch was over. Nash groaned, not having finished. He handed the packet back to Andrea and shuffled off to class as if he had just been told he was to die tomorrow. Which was likely, his father was a very strict man.

Andrea and Giselle made their way to class. She sighed happily once she got to class. She never wanted to leave.


Liam sat at the wheel, with Nash riding shotgun. Andrea had the right window seat, Giselle was in the middle, and Drake had the far left. School had just ended and the group had piled into Liam's car where he would drive them all home. Well, to Andrea's house. They always hung out there on Friday's. It seemed like a tradition now.

Nash pressed a button on the dashboard and the radio turned on. Nash pumped his fists into the air when Explode by Patrick Stump came on. He moved his head to the intro of the song and started humming it. Once the lyrics started, Giselle sung along to them, followed by Drake and Nash and eventually Liam and Andrea.

Once the song ended, everyone was laughing when Nash 'accidentally' bumped his hand into Giselle's breast, which caused her to go rabid and try to bite his head off.

When they got to Andrea's house, they all got out and walked in, Giselle having stopped trying to kill Nash who thankfully apologized. Andrea's older brother, Caleb, was seated on the couch. His hair was a dark brown that was spiked in the front. His brown eyes fell onto them, boring into them as he studied them. His skin was lightly tanned, much like Nash's. He grunted a greeting before fixating his attention back on the TV. Andrea bent down till she was level with him and kissed him on the cheek before leading her friends to the basement.

Liam, Drake, and Nash turned on the game console and began playing Call of Duty while Andrea and Giselle sat on the couch, watching them. Andrea wasn't much of a video game girl, but Giselle was, and she clearly wanted to play. She would play the winner, as she had declared when they walked in.

They sat there for about thirty minutes before Andrea heard her name being called from upstairs. She excused herself and hurried up to find her parents seated in the living room with her brother. They instructed her to sit, in which she did, her nerves going wild.

"Alright," her father said, scratching his brown stubbed chin. "Your mother and I have been transferred."

Andrea nodded. They both worked as insurance agents and had to travel a lot. She figured they were just transferred to another firm where they'd have to drive a few extra minutes. However, Caleb bit his bottom lip. "Where?" He asked, his voice filled with worry.

Their mother glanced at their father, who only motioned for her to say. "A small town called Points Brooke."

Andrea raised an eyebrow. "Where is that place?" Caleb asked, his voice still laced with the same worry as before.

Their parents' shoulders slumped. "It is right outside of Seattle, Washington." Their father answered, not looking at them.

Andrea's jaw dropped and tears pricked her eyes. Soon, a wave of tears fell down her face. Caleb looked at her and quickly put an arm around her as she began to wail. Soon, her friends heard the commotion and made their way upstairs. When they saw her crying, they immediately starting comforting her. At least, Liam did while the others asked why she was crying.

Andrea sank into Liam's chest as he pulled her into a hug. He put his head in the crook of her neck as he listened to her parents explain what happened. When they finished, everyone turned to look at her while a solitary tear slipped from her left eye. They immediately hurried over to her, squishing her into a big hug. She wheezed, signaling she couldn't breathe, but she was only held tighter in response.

When everyone was done, Liam turned her head to look at him and he started wiping the tears off her face. Her breath hitched at how close they were. He smiled at her before pulling her into a hug. "You'll be alright." He said, though it seemed more meant as reassurance for himself. Andrea nodded into his chest.

Soon, they all left, leaving Andrea to eat the massive meal her mother prepared. Andrea hardly touched it as she thought of everything she'd be leaving behind. Tears slipped out of her eyes again, but she didn't say anything.

That night, she laid down in her bed, struggling to sleep. They were leaving on Sunday. She only had one day to pack and spend with her friends. When she finally drifted off to sleep, it was five in the morning and she had been laying there since nine that night.

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